4 Exercises to Improve Knee Mobility

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4 Exercises to Improve Knee Mobility

In this video, we learn about knee mobility and how to test and improve our range of motion. The knee joint is unique because it can flex, extend, and even rotate. To optimize knee health, we should focus on four movements: sagittal plane flexion, sagittal plane extension, transverse plane internal rotation, and transverse plane external rotation.

For sagittal plane flexion, we should aim for the knee to bend around 135 to 145 degrees. To improve this range, we can perform heel slides and use our hands to gently pull the knee towards the chest, holding the stretch for an extended period.

Sagittal plane extension involves straightening the knee, aiming for zero degrees of hyperextension. To stretch this part of the joint, we can place a book or yoga block under the heel and let gravity pull the knee into extension. Additional stretching tools like ankle weights or a heat pack may be used for more intense stretches.

In the transverse plane, we focus on internal and external rotation. To test this, we sit with our knees bent at 90 degrees and pivot the foot, keeping the ankle stable. Internal rotation should be about 10 degrees, while external rotation can reach 30 to 40 degrees. Using our hands or a tool, we can assist the rotation and hold the stretched position to improve joint mobility.

By incorporating these exercises into our routine and gradually increasing the duration and intensity, we can enhance our knee mobility and recover from injuries. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.

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