a Healthier You

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The Forgotten Art of Hanging

In an age of fitness trends and workouts, hanging is a simple but often overlooked practice that can greatly benefit a healthier you. Dr. John M. Kersch, an advocate for this method, even recommends hanging to patients who have been recommended for shoulder surgery, with 90% avoiding the procedure simply by incorporating hanging into their routine. This raises the question: Why is hanging so beneficial? Let us take a look at our shoulders’ evolutionary roots and the numerous benefits of hanging in our everyday lives.

Evolutionary Perspective: Embracing Our Primate Heritage

Our shoulders tell a fascinating evolutionary story, as they were designed for hanging and climbing. Unlike most animals, we have the unique ability of shoulder movement, indicating our ancestry as brachiating apes. The magic of hanging becomes clear when we realise we have been depriving our bodies of an activity they were born to do. It is time to realise the full potential of this ancient yet powerful practice.

The Marvels of Hanging: A Boon for Your Body

Hanging is more than just dangling from a bar; it is a full-body exercise with numerous benefits. One of its primary benefits is that it allows gravity to create space between the hips and shoulders, decompressing the spine. This is especially important in mitigating the compression caused by our modern sedentary lifestyles. Hanging also loosens tight muscles around the shoulders, such as the lats and chest, relieving the stiffness caused by prolonged sitting.

Furthermore, this simple act can reshape the bones around the shoulder, increasing the ball and socket joint’s range of motion. But the benefits do not stop there: hanging helps to increase grip strength, which is a predictor of mortality. A stronger grip equals a lower risk of death, making hanging a powerful practice for overall strength and resilience.

Mastering the Hang: Form and Technique

Before getting into the magic of hanging, it is critical to understand proper form. Shoulders should be relaxed and up towards the ears, with ribs pulled down and a slight tension in the core. The ideal width for hand placement is shoulder-width apart. Passive hanging requires steady breathing and letting gravity stretch your body.

It is important to note that increasing your hanging endurance takes time. Begin with a 60-second hang and work your way up to full hangs. Consistency is essential, and it is best to start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your strength grows.

Incorporating Hanging into Your Daily Routine

If you are wondering how to fit hanging into your busy schedule, having a pull-up bar or rings at home can help. Accessibility is critical to ensuring regular practice. If the gym is a long distance away, having the option to work out at home removes barriers and promotes consistent participation.

Unlocking the One Arm Hang: A Progression Towards Functional Strength

While two-arm hanging provides numerous benefits, the ultimate goal is to progress towards one-arm hanging. This is where the true functional strength lies, mimicking the movement patterns of our brachiating ancestors. Achieving a one-arm hang requires not just physical strength but also control over your shoulders and scapula.

A Personal Journey: Trevor’s Transformation Through Hanging

Trevor shares his personal experience with hanging, detailing how he overcame shoulder injuries and dislocations through non-traditional rehab methods, including hanging. By incorporating this practice into his routine, Trevor witnessed a gradual improvement in shoulder resilience and overall strength. His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of bringing back essential functionality to the body.

Embrace the Magic of Hanging for a Healthier You

Finally, the seemingly simple act of hanging can reshape your body and improve your overall health. Whether you want to relieve shoulder stiffness, strengthen your grip, or achieve the elusive one-arm hang, incorporating this practice into your daily routine can result in significant improvements. It is time to rediscover the power of hanging—an ancient exercise with timeless benefits that can help you get healthier, stronger, and more resilient.



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