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Brendan Backstrom tells his own path of overcoming back pain in this video and offers useful advice towards dealing with persistent back difficulties. He highlights the need of tracking success, taking progressive approaches, and avoiding random and inconsistent pain treatment approaches. Brendan believes that by focusing on back ability rather than just pain treatment, persons suffering from chronic back pain can find relief.

The Struggle with Chronic Back Pain

Brendan opens up about his own struggle with chronic back pain, especially after herniating a disc. For three years, he felt lost and stuck in a cycle of seeking pain relief without addressing the root cause. This perpetual loop kept him from healing properly and regaining his back ability.

The Discovery of Progressive Routes

Brendan came across a fitness program created by kneesovertoesguy in 2020, which focused on measuring progress and following progressive routes. This approach inspired Brendan to reevaluate his training methods and shift his focus from just relieving pain to improving back ability.

Importance of Measuring Progress

Brendan stresses the significance of measuring progress in any back pain recovery journey. Instead of seeking quick fixes, he advises taking a step-by-step approach to identify what works and build upon it progressively.

Understanding Back Pain Band-Aids

While recognizing the value of certain back pain relief techniques, Brendan introduces the concept of back band-aids. These are temporary solutions that provide relief but do not address the underlying issues. He urges viewers to use back band-aids as clues and explore further ways to improve back ability.

The Journey to Back Ability

Brendan explains his personal journey to regain back ability through a series of exercises and progressions. He highlights specific movements, such as hang decompressions, back extensions, and side glides, which are valuable in building back strength and flexibility.

The Back Extension Progression

A key part of Brendan’s routine involves back extensions, which help decompress the spine and strengthen the back muscles. He encourages viewers to gradually progress and measure their back extension abilities, incorporating exercises like two-minute holds and one-legged variations.

Addressing Imbalances in the QL Muscle

Brendan delves into the importance of addressing imbalances in the quadratus lumborum (QL) muscle. Many sports and activities can lead to imbalances, affecting the hips and back. He advocates for a progressive approach, incorporating exercises like the QL extension, to restore balance and relieve back pain.

Improving Hamstring Flexibility

Brendan shares a method to improve hamstring flexibility, an issue often connected to back pain. By following a progressive routine of exercises, including the “elephant walk,” individuals can work towards better hamstring length and overall back health.

Avoiding Misleading Sales Tactics

Brendan addresses the influx of misleading sales tactics in the fitness space, promising quick and easy fixes for back pain. He advises viewers to focus on consistent principles, such as measurement and progressive training, to make lasting improvements.

Building a Supportive Community

Brendan thanks the supportive community that has sprung up around his content. He encourages anyone with back pain to seek help and understanding, telling them that they are not alone in their challenges.

Brendan Backstrom’s film, in fact, offers a touching and insightful viewpoint on overcoming persistent back pain. He highlights the value of developing back ability through measurement, progressive methods, and consistency. Individuals might discover hope in their road to recovery from back pain by adopting a well-structured method and forming a supporting network.