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Introduction to QL Training

Today, I’m excited to share some great tips on training your quadratus lumborum (QL) muscle. This muscle is vital for back strength and flexibility. I’ve been including these exercises in my routine for the past eight years, and they’ve made a big difference for me.

Starting with Seated Exercises

First, let’s talk about the seated version. It’s the easiest way to begin. You can use a wall to help hold your flexibility in place. As you get more flexible, you might enjoy the freedom of not using the wall. When you raise your hands higher, it increases the load on your QL. You can also add weights for more challenge.

Back Extension for More Intensity

For a more intense workout, try the back extension. Place your hip between the two pads and keep your knees slightly bent. I position one foot in front because it mimics a basketball crossover move. This way, I step slightly forward and to the side, putting a lot of force into my leg and QL.

Importance of Slow and Steady Progress

It’s important to go slow and steady with these exercises. Most people haven’t trained this muscle for strength and flexibility before, so it can get sore the next day or even the next week. Start with just one set to see how your body responds. Over time, find a way to keep these exercises in your routine without stressing over how much weight to use. Use whatever weight and option feel good for you.

My Personal Regimen

For the record, I currently use just 5 pounds when I do the seated version. For strength and flexibility, the back extension, I do one set of up to 20 reps per side. The key tip for form is to stay in the same plane of motion. Avoid going forward, as this uses your lower back more than your QL. To ensure this, reach your elbow upward toward the sky. This increases the stretch in your QL.

Additional Tips for Form

When doing these exercises, try to look up a bit. Instead of bending straight down, go to the outside of your foot. This helps you get a better stretch and works your QL more effectively.

My Coaching Services

Besides sharing these tips, I’ve been coaching for over six years. I answer questions at an affordable rate of $49.50 a month, with no long-term contract. My goal is to share everything I know on social media. For some people, the service we provide is worth the $50 a month. You get to see every ATG program, including my current program and all beginner, longevity, physique, and jump programs.

Access to Coaches and Programs

ATG is not just about me; you also get access to all our coaches. There might even be an in-person coach near you. Whether you can afford a full-time coach or just need a few sessions to get started, we are here to help. All the links to our programs and the equipment we make are in the description.