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How To Improve Posture: 4 Powerful Exercises to Balance Sitting, Plus Zero Equipment Version

How To Improve Posture: 4 Powerful Exercises to Balance Sitting, Plus Zero Equipment Version

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How To Improve Posture: 4 Exercises To Improve Posture

How to improve posture: In a world dominated by screens and prolonged sitting, our bodies can easily become stiff and inflexible. Although, As someone who spends a lot of time at a desk, I discovered four exercises that helped me improve my mobility and posture. These exercises are simple, effective, and require minimal equipment, making them accessible to all.

1. Rediscovering the Pullover

Remember the pullover, a seemingly forgotten exercise? As it turns out, this classic move can help your shoulders and posture. If you are new to it, begin with light dumbbells to avoid any imbalances from previous sports or activities. Patience is key here; consider it a long-term investment. I started with a light load and gradually made it a regular part of my routine. The triangular grip on a dumbbell adds a nice touch to the exercise, making it an adaptable option for shoulder health.

2. Building Strength with Lower Trap Muscles

When it comes to strengthening your lower trap muscles, positioning is critical. Use a back extension or an incline bench to control your weight. This exercise complements the pullover by extending the range gained from the first exercise. I am not a bridge expert, but over the last seven years, I have discovered that mastering these two movements significantly improved my bridge skills. It is a gradual process; start light, move slowly, and let the strength and control develop naturally.

3. ATG Split Squat: A Counter to Sitting

The ATG split squat counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting. This stretch strength exercise works your legs and hip flexors, providing a much-needed break from a sedentary lifestyle. Surprisingly, all you need is a chair to begin. As someone who had knee problems, I started with elevated knees and support. After a decade, I can effortlessly perform the back foot elevated version. Progress at your own pace, and remember that there is no pressure to reach a specific level. This exercise is about self-improvement, not competition.

4. Stretch-Strength Deadlift for Lower Back Resilience

The stretch strength deadlift is a game changer for anyone looking to improve lower-back strength. It entails stretching your upper hamstrings while maintaining lower-back strength. The goal is not to master front splits, but to strike a balance and avoid the painkiller-surgery cycle. I was not expecting to dunk or split, but after a decade of doing these exercises, the unexpected happened. My friend Jeff, who had not dunked since he was 23, is now flying through the air at 46 thanks to these routines.

How To Use The Power of Strength and Yoga To Improve Posture

These four exercises, which combine strength and yoga principles, are a true longevity secret. Whether you are an athlete recovering from surgery or have spent decades working at a desk, these exercises provide a potent combination to combat the effects of prolonged sitting. My mother, who has worked from a desk for 50 years, exemplifies the effectiveness of these movements in maintaining mobility and enjoying life without fragility.

How To Improve Posture: No Equipment Needed

One of the benefits of these exercises is their ease and accessibility. You can start right now with no equipment. The pullover can be done with only a wall, adjusting the hand placement for more stretch or load. Trap three raises can be done on the floor, and adding light dumbbells can make the workout more difficult. The ATG split squat starts on a chair and progresses to stairs, providing a full leg and hip flexor stretch. Finally, the stretch strength deadlift, which is essential for lower back health, requires little equipment, emphasising the importance of keeping a strong and flexible body.

Back Problems Fixed: A Message of Hope and Resilience

Fixing the Low Back

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Unlocking the Secrets to a Healthy Back: A Journey to Overcoming a Herniated Disc

I would like to share a personal story with those who have ever felt the frustration and hopelessness of dealing with a Herniated Disc. Brendan, who faced the daunting decision of spinal surgery due to his persistent back problems, inspired this. This article will look at key insights and lessons from Brendan’s journey, offering hope and practical advice to anyone facing similar challenges.

Facing the Facts: Why You Can’t Give Up on Your Back Problems

Brendan emphasises the importance of not giving up on your low back. He emphasises a basic truth: you will always have a low back. No matter how tempting it is to avoid movements or brace your way out of pain, the reality is that your low back is a lifelong companion. Brendan believes that understanding that avoidance will never work is the key to finding a long-term solution.

No Tissue Does Better Untrained

However, Brendan dispels the myth that avoiding the use of a specific body part will result in increased strength and recovery. He explains how the same principle applies to the low back as it does to knee injuries. Untrained tissue atrophy and decay, so targeted, progressive training is essential. Brendan describes his own journey, beginning with basic movements and gradually progressing to more difficult exercises, emphasising the importance of patience in the process.

Learning from Unsuccessful Surgeries

Brendan, who has had unsuccessful surgery, reflects on the common misconception that surgery is a quick fix for back problems. He describes his experience with knee surgery, which, while it addressed some issues, did not address the root cause. Brendan encourages people to investigate the underlying causes of their pain, emphasising the importance of understanding and addressing the factors contributing to their specific situation rather than relying on quick fixes.

The Test of a Lifetime: Overcoming Challenges with Curiosity

Brendan admits that dealing with chronic back pain is a significant challenge that necessitates a mental shift. Rather than giving up, he encourages people to approach the challenge with curiosity and humility. Brendan learned the value of understanding his body’s responses and adjusting his training as a result of his curiosity about the back pain and setbacks.

Direct Low Back Ability Training: A Year of Dedication

Brendan’s advice is centred on direct low back ability training. Of course, he suggests a one-year commitment to gradually building strength and resilience. Indeed, the emphasis is on a structured, step-by-step approach, with exercises like the back extension used to rebuild and strengthen the low back. Brendan emphasises the importance of consistency and patience throughout this process.

Putting Cards in Your Favour: Balancing Imbalances and Mobility

Brendan suggests a comprehensive approach to success that includes balancing imbalances and addressing mobility issues. He introduces a 360-degree core strategy that includes exercises to open hip flexors, improve hip mobility, and directly strengthen the back. Individuals can create favourable conditions for healing and strengthening their low back by using a holistic approach.

You Are the Solution: Empowering Yourself in the Healing Journey

Brendan’s message is inspiring: you are the answer to your back pain. He encourages people to recognise their own bodies as experts. While professional advice is beneficial, Brendan emphasises that no one else can fix your back for you. It takes a personalised, patient, and committed effort to navigate the complexities of back pain and gradually build a resilient and healthy low back.

The Journey of Patience and Hope

Brendan ends his heartfelt message by expressing his hope that this advice reaches someone at the right time, preventing them from giving up too soon on back problems. He emphasises the importance of thinking long term, implying that breakthroughs may be closer than one thinks. Moreover, individuals can embark on a transformative path to a healthier and pain-free low back by embracing the journey with patience, curiosity, and commitment.

Overcoming Back Problems

Brendan’s journey is an inspiring example of the human spirit is resilience and the transformative power of dedication and patience. Indeed, this article distils the key takeaways from his video, providing a road map for anyone suffering from chronic back pain. Furthermore, your low back is not a lost cause, and with the right mindset and approach, you can unlock the secrets to a healthier, pain-free life.

Limber and Strong: Stretch Strength The Definitive Guide to Achieving Stretch Strength Zen!

Stretch Strength

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Unlocking Flexibility with Stretch Strength Training

Stretch strength was crucial to my performance as a competitive ice skater. Stretching for hours each week became a habit for me to maintain my abilities. As I watch my husband perform front splits without any prior stretching, I wish I had known about the benefits of stretch strength training when I was skating.

Finding Harmony in Stretch and Strength

The key is to perform the front split without pain. Stretch strength training entails finding a comfortable level of stretch and strength. This strategy has significant long-term benefits. Furthermore, as a result of consistent training, my personal goal shifted from perfecting splits to simply enjoying basketball without knee pain.

ATG Split Squat and Good Morning Progression

The ATG split squat and good morning progression transformed squat mobility. However, ankle injuries are frequently used as a barrier. I understand the struggle because a serious off-ice ankle injury ended my figure skating career. Stretching and strengthening the hamstrings and inner thighs were critical in overcoming previous injury limitations.

The Quest for Pancake Flexibility

Stretch strength training affects pancake flexibility. Finally, the standing pancake demonstrates that weight training is not the only way to improve. The interaction of flexibility and strength is demonstrated by gradually increasing the groyne load from hands to elbows. Injury is reduced when a person is both strong and flexible.

Building a Foundation for Longevity

My top priority is longevity, especially as a mother trying to keep up with her children. Stretching to improve bridge flexibility was a revelation. I have learned that in a world where modern postures rule, it is critical to train in the opposite direction to balance the strain on our bodies.

Targeting Weak Links

As a mother of two toddlers, I am constantly bending, which strains my back. The centre of the back should be reinforced. These two exercises, which target common weak links, have become the foundation of my routine. Strengthening these areas is critical not only for avoiding pain, but also for ensuring that I can participate in my children’s activities for many years to come.

Stretch Strength Training in Action

The ATG system divides stretch strength training into three types. The foundation is a backward sled or treadmill. The resistance comes from the ground, which ensures safety while allowing for a rhythmic workout. When combined with stretch strength training, this foundation improves results.

Fixing Weak Links for Lasting Results

The third component will be to repair weak links, on which we will concentrate next week. Identifying and addressing weaknesses, such as muscles in the middle of the back, ensures a thorough approach to flexibility and strength. It is about finding balance, not just flexibility for the sake of flexibility.

A Grateful Acknowledgment

Before concluding, a heartfelt thank you is in order. My husband, Ben Patrick, has undergone an incredible transformation. The journey has been incredible, from icing his knees after every workout to now passionately sharing his knowledge with the world. His commitment to growth as a partner and a father makes me proud.

Gratitude and Support

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has assisted ATG. Your efforts to spread the word about stretch strength training are paying off. ATG’s mission is to promote holistic fitness, not just equipment or programmes. Let us continue to question conventional wisdom and put our bodies’ health first.

How to Deadlift – Full Range of Motion – ATG deadlift


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Unlocking Strength and Muscle with ATG Deadlifts

In this video, we will look the ATG Deadlift, a powerful tool in the ATG system for increasing strength and muscle mass. Let us look at the various levels of this deadlift and how it can be a game changer in your workout.

The Foundation: Standard Deadlift

The journey begins with a standard deadlift. Consider a clean grip, shoulder-width apart, feet strong, core braced, and lats engaged. This fundamental form ensures stability. Ben Patrick emphasises the importance of not just dropping weights while training. While powerlifters may drop weights for maximum loads, controlled eccentric movements during training increase posterior chain strength and muscle mass.

Progressing to Full Range of Motion

The ATG deadlift is distinguished by its pursuit of full range of motion, which aligns with the ATG system’s squat and split squat principles. The grip widens to deepen the movement, changing the dynamics. The athlete maintains a stable back, engaged lats, and rapid movement. This progression increases muscle engagement and time under tension, which is critical for muscle development.

Elevating the Challenge: Podium Deadlifts

Ben adds the podium to the challenge. Standing on a podium with a firm grip expands the range of motion. This variation is a stepping stone to the ultimate ATG deadlift. As the platform rises, so does the depth of the deadlift, putting more strain on the muscles while maintaining proper form.

The Apex: Snatch-Grip Podium Deadlift

The ATG deadlift’s pinnacle is the snatch-grip podium deadlift. The athlete stands on a podium with an ultra-wide grip. The depth attained is similar to a full squat position, ensuring the greatest range of motion. The emphasis is on maintaining a consistent hip angle throughout the lift, emphasising strength and control. This difficult variation maximises muscle engagement and is the ATG deadlift’s pinnacle.

Strategic Use of Straps

The use of straps is an important addition to the discussion. Ben suggests them for multi-rep training. Athletes can focus on strength and hypertrophy by reducing the grip’s role as a limiting factor. However, Ben makes an exception: if grip strength is important in a sport like jiu-jitsu, avoiding straps may be beneficial. The strategic use of straps is consistent with the goal of optimising muscle work during deadlifts.

Levels Before Standard Deadlifts

Ben introduces levels that cater to various fitness levels and flexibilities before diving into the standard clean grip deadlift. The podium deadlift, in which the weight is elevated, shortens the range and helps those with flexibility issues. It progresses gradually, beginning with varying podium heights and ending with a flat surface. Ben emphasises that anyone can do it, but it is critical to use a weight that allows for control while focusing on perfect form and perfect reps.

Closing Thoughts on Perfect Reps and Form

Finally, Ben Patrick encourages viewers to strive for perfect reps and form. The ATG deadlift, with its various progressions, emerges as a versatile and effective tool for building strength and muscle mass. The emphasis on full range of motion, grip strategy, and scalability make this deadlift a valuable addition to any training routine. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just getting started, the ATG deadlift provides a path to optimal strength and muscle development.

This video provides a comprehensive guide to the ATG deadlift, breaking down its variations and explaining the significance of each. Whether you’re aiming for maximal strength or muscle hypertrophy, the ATG deadlift, as presented by Ben Patrick, offers a systematic and effective approach.

10 Benefits of The ATG Split Squat

ATG Split Squat

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Unlocking Athletic Potential: The ATG Split Squat

Unveiling the Benefits

The ATG split squat is more than just an exercise; it is a gateway to a world of fitness benefits. In this section, we will look at ten benefits, each of which contributes to the improvement of your physical abilities.

1. Front Ankle Mobility: A Foundation for the ATG Split Squat

Starting with front ankle mobility, this exercise prioritises front ankle flexibility. This fundamental mobility component sets the stage for a cascade of positive effects on your overall fitness.

2. Front Knee Connective Tissue Development: Building Resilience

The ATG split squat then actively promotes the development of connective tissues around the front knee. This is not just a muscle-building exercise; it is a comprehensive approach to fortifying the structures that support your knee joint.

3. Front Quads Development: Shaping the Vastus Medialis

The focus then shifts to the front quads, with a focus on the vastus medialis. This targeted development benefits both the aesthetics and functional strength of your legs.

4. Front Adductor Inner Thigh Development: A Comprehensive Approach

Deeper into the exercise, the benefits extend to the inner thigh muscles, promoting balanced and comprehensive leg muscle development. This openness is a distinguishing feature of the ATG split squat.

5. Front Glute Development: Sculpting Power and Stability

The journey continues with a focus on developing the front glutes. This muscle must be strengthened not only for aesthetic reasons but also to improve power and stability in various physical activities.

6. Rear Hip Flexor Flexibility: A Squat Foundation

The ATG split squat emphasises the flexibility of the rear hip flexors. This aspect is frequently overlooked, but it is crucial to overall hip health and mobility.

7. Rear Hip Flexor Strength: Balancing Flexibility with Strength

The exercise does not stop at flexibility; it also strengthens the rear hip flexors. This two-pronged approach ensures a balance of flexibility and strength, which is critical for athletic performance.

8. Jump Plateau Busting: Breaking Limits

Its ability to break through jump plateaus is one of its remarkable advantages. This exercise helped the speaker discover his dunking ability, and he attests to its effectiveness in pushing physical boundaries.

9. Speed Plateau Busting: Unlocking Speed Potential

Aside from jumps, the ATG split squat allows you to break through speed plateaus. Strength, flexibility, and targeted muscle development all contribute to increased athletic speed.

10. Guts and Mastery: The Psychological Advantage

The tenth advantage is psychological. Mastering the ATG split squat is a test of one’s determination and courage. It involves going to the gym and completing a difficult exercise.

Understanding the ATG Split Squat Progression

The speaker introduces the concept of a regression system before discussing the progression of the ATG split squat. This system serves as a guide, allowing people of all fitness levels to benefit from this exercise.

The Foundation: Zero Programme

The zero programme serves as a starting point. Indeed, it entails achieving a comfortable, pain-free range of motion with the front hamstring covering the calf. This fundamental step is required for everyone, even those in good health, to ensure proper form and avoid injuries.

Embracing Full Range of Motion: Debunking Myths

The speaker dispels myths about full range of motion, claiming that, contrary to popular belief, deep knee bending can protect and strengthen the knees. As a result, this insight aligns with current research, emphasising the importance of embracing a full range of motion for joint health.

Gradual Progression: From Split Squats to Deep Squats

Recognising that not everyone begins as a deep squat enthusiast, the speaker recommends a gradual progression. The ATG split squat acts as a stepping stone, allowing people to gradually increase their strength and comfort before progressing to full, deep squats.

Ankle and Knee Strengthening: The Role of Zero Programme in Preparing for Deep Squats

The zero programme includes exercises to strengthen the ankles and knees in addition to the ATG split squat. This comprehensive approach prepares people for the challenges of deep squats by laying a solid foundation.

The Power of Balance: Building Ankle Mobility

The importance of balance in the ATG split squat is emphasised by the speaker. Whether done with both legs or just one, the exercise improves ankle mobility, which is essential for overall lower body strength and flexibility.

Slant Board Integration: Stability and Loading

As people advance, the slant board becomes an invaluable tool. It improves stability, particularly when loaded with dumbbells or barbells. The slant board acts as a bridge between assisted and unassisted versions of the ATG split squat.

Heel Down Transformation: Long-Term Ankle Mobility

The transition to keeping the heel down is an intriguing aspect of the progression. This represents a long-term commitment to ankle mobility, with additional benefits such as increased stretch on the back hip flexors and front glute development.

Loading for Knee Strength: Finding Stability

The discussion includes loading for knee strength. Different approaches are investigated, such as keeping the heel up for more knee effect or keeping it down for stability. Ben argues that these variations based on individual needs and goals are necessary.

The Journey to Maximum Loading: A Personalised Approach

Finally, the speaker shares personal insights from his exploration of various loading methods. From industrial-sized door wedges to finding stability with specific techniques, he emphasises the importance of tailoring the approach to individual needs.

Unleashing Your Potential

The ATG split squat is more than just a workout; it is a transformational journey. From ankle mobility to knee strength, breaking plateaus to psychological mastery, this exercise provides a comprehensive approach to fitness. It is an invitation to unleash your athletic potential, one split squat at a time. So, grab your potential, embrace the challenge, and let the ATG split squat redefine your fitness narrative.

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back and Inner Thighs: The ATG Approach

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In this video, we’ll look at some novel and efficient ways to strengthen your lower back. This workout strengthens your lower back and inner thighs while also improving your mobility and general strength. We’ll go over the evolution of this exercise and why it’s so important for having a strong and robust body.

The ATG Lower Back Foundation Exercise

The ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is intended to increase lower back strength while improving inner thigh flexibility. The progression begins with bodyweight workouts and progresses to dumbbell and barbell loading. Follow these steps to complete this exercise correctly:

  1. Begin by positioning your knees wide enough for your torso to pass through, with your ankles slightly in front of your knees.
  2. Focus on maintaining proper posture throughout the exercise.
  3. Retract your shoulder blades to lock in the stretch on your inner thighs.
  4. This retraction also provides more room for movement and positions your lower back more effectively for strength gains.

The Progression

This exercise’s progression is critical for building both mobility and strength. It progresses from bodyweight workouts to dumbbells and, finally, a barbell. Each step builds on the preceding one, gradually increasing the difficulty.

Its Important to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The importance of mobility is the reason for stressing this exercise. Inner thigh muscles can develop tight over time in societies where individuals routinely squat deeply. If left untreated, this tension can cause lower back stiffness.

The Vulnerable Lower Back

Even if your lower back is strong, it can be vulnerable if it lacks mobility. This vulnerability can result in discomfort or injury. Therefore, it’s essential to strike a balance between strength and flexibility in the lower back.

Why the ATG Lower Back Foundation Matters

The ATG Lower Back Foundation system is an important part of achieving this equilibrium. To strengthen your lower back in the position where your torso is closest to your thighs. This concentrated effort might result in considerable increases in your total back strength.

Putting It into Context

It’s essential to remember that the ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s part of a broader fitness program that aims to build resilience and athleticism. This exercise, in combination with others, contributes to your overall physical well-being.

The Journey to Strengthen Your Lower Back

Developing a bulletproof body requires addressing multiple components of strength and mobility. We worked on strengthening the hip flexors earlier in the workout with the ATG Split Squat, which works the quads over a full range of motion.

The Impact of Combining Exercises

By combining exercises that target different areas and movement patterns, individuals like the creator of this program have experienced increased athleticism and resilience. These exercises address weaknesses and enhance strengths, leading to a more balanced and robust physique and strengthen your lower back.

The Evolution to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The ATG system did not appear out of nowhere. It arose from years of working with athletes and learning how to make them more resilient and athletic. The system began with 20 standards developed through collaboration with hundreds of athletes.

The Yard Work

During this period, the creator worked with minimal equipment available in their yard. They explored how to rebuild the body’s strength and mobility using simple tools like dumbbells and slant boards.

Back to Basics with Simple Equipment

As equipment became available, they progressed back to the ATG standards using basic equipment like a $110 bench from Amazon and a squat rack. Some tools, such as tib bars, didn’t even exist when the original standards program was created, making the process more challenging.

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is a great way to introduce variety to your workout programme. It improves mobility and strength by focusing on the lower back and inner thighs. It improves general athleticism and resilience when paired with other activities. Building a bulletproof body entails striking the appropriate balance between strength and mobility, and exercises like this one are critical in reaching that balance.

The Truth About Deep Squats

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In this video, we’ll look at the benefits of deep squats, as well as address some frequent concerns and debunk certain myths. Ben Patrick, aka The Kneesovertoesguy, will walk us through the science and practise of deep squats. Deep squats, contrary to popular thought, can be a beneficial workout for strengthening your legs and protecting your knees when performed correctly.

The Deep Squat Challenge

Deep squats, particularly controlled, pain-free deep squats with extra body weight and load, are one of Ben Patrick’s 20 body standards. This was not always the case. Ben initially disliked deep squats due to the pain induced by chronic diseases and stiffness from previous surgery.

Overcoming Challenges of Deep Squats

Ben had to start with lower levels of deep squats than he had ever seen anyone do in the gym to overcome these obstacles. Building up his deep squat capability gradually proved to be a game changer. This journey demonstrates the importance of perseverance and gradual improvement in developing one’s physical ability.

The Role of a Wooden Slant

One crucial tool in Ben’s journey to mastering deep squats was a simple wooden slant. This unassuming piece of equipment played a significant role in developing his knees and enhancing his deep squat performance. It demonstrates that sometimes the simplest solutions can have the most significant impact on your fitness journey.

Resisted Backward Walking

Resisted backward walking was another strategy that helped improve knee strength. This exercise helped create the necessary strength to support deep squats by targeting the muscles below the knee. It demonstrates the efficacy of tailored activities in achieving certain fitness goals.

Flossing for Breakthroughs for Deep Squats

While not necessary for everyone, flossing has consistently led to breakthroughs for individuals facing significant mobility challenges. Flossing involves wrapping a band around the joint and moving it through a range of motion. This method can be particularly helpful for those struggling with mobility issues.

Leg Days as a Source of Joy

For Ben, leg days have transformed from a source of pain and discomfort into a source of joy and accomplishment. This transformation underscores the idea that, with the right approach and dedication, you can overcome physical limitations and achieve your fitness goals.

Coaching for Precise Progressions

Ben emphasises the importance of coaching through simple yet precise progressions. This coaching is aimed at helping others experience the same sense of achievement and transformation that he did. It’s a testament to the power of guidance and mentorship in the world of fitness.

Understanding Different Viewpoints of Deep Squats

If you decide to incorporate deep squats into your gym routine, you might encounter differing viewpoints. Someone with knowledge or experience may approach you and suggest that squats are not advisable. It’s crucial to understand their perspective and not engage in arguments.

The Influence of Education

People who advise against deep squats frequently base their judgements on what they were taught in school. Some views and practises become embedded in academic contexts, and departing from them might be difficult. It is critical to understand that these beliefs are not absolute truths.

The 2013 Study

Ben cites 2013 research that examined 162 publications about deep squats in the video. This study calls into question some frequently held notions about squats. It serves as a warning that even scientific understanding can change over time, and what was previously regarded as gospel may need to be revised.

Maintaining an Open Mind

Ben encourages viewers to be understanding when faced with differing opinions. Instead of arguing, it’s more productive to maintain an open mind and consider multiple perspectives. What is true for you is what you believe based on your experiences and knowledge.

The Truth About Deep Squats

Deep squats can be a helpful addition to your training regimen if executed correctly and gradually. They have the potential to strengthen and protect your legs and knees. Ben Patrick’s transformation from hating squats to loving them as a source of joy and accomplishment exemplifies the transformational power of perseverance and dedication in fitness. Have an open mind, be tolerant with opposing ideas, and concentrate on what works best for your body and your goals.

How to Train Rotation for the Lower Back Pain (not how you think)

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Let’s dig into the topic of rotation in fitness training for lower back pain. This has been a popular question among my viewers, and now I’m going to explain why I no longer prioritise training rotation. I’ll also talk about my fitness journey and how my approach has developed over time.

The Concept of Training Rotation

To begin, I want to emphasise that training rotation is not a negative notion in and of itself. In fact, it’s a necessary part of resolving lower back pain. When I first started working out in 2016, I learned about numerous movement patterns such as the push, pull, squat, hinge, and core stabilisation. Rotation training was included in this equation, including workouts such as anti-rotation movements, chops, and lifts.

The Quest for Trunk Stability

Training rotation is important since many injuries occur during ordinary activities that include rotational motions. For example, if you’ve ever had persistent back pain, it could have been caused by relatively simple movements such as tying your shoe or picking up your child, rather than lifting big weights. The ability to stabilise your core and resist rotation becomes critical for injury avoidance in these scenarios.

My Personal Struggles with Rotation Training

Let’s take a step back to set the stage for my current approach. I suffered a devastating disc injury in 2019 that left me in excruciating discomfort. I attempted every trunk stability exercise I could think of, from dead bugs to cable chops and twists. Yet, despite my best attempts, my back would give up whenever I performed quick or athletic motions.

Understanding Lower Back Pain as a Life Skill

At this time, I began to doubt the concept of rotation training. I realised that rotation is more than just an exercise; it is an essential life skill. Life’s movements are unpredictable, varied, and frequently faulty. We twist, turn, and bend to varying degrees, which cannot be completely recreated in a gym setting.

The Myth of the Rotational Muscle

The kicker is that there is no special muscle in your body dedicated only to rotation. While muscles such as the transverse abdominis, obliques, and quadratus lumborum (QL) play important roles in rotation, none of them operate alone to rotate your body. Rotation is a complicated combination of attributes, each of which must be cultivated before they can be effectively integrated.

Addressing Tight Links

Now that we’ve deconstructed rotation, let’s look at how we may get our bodies ready for it. We’ll begin by fixing the tight linkages that frequently impede rotation. The outside glutes are the first place to concentrate on. The elevated pigeon stretch can help to free up this area. This stretch relieves stress in the outer glute muscles, which when tight can impair rotation.

Unlocking the Hip Flexors to Fix Lower Back Pain

Hip flexors are another tight link that need care. Tight hip flexors can make it difficult to completely extend your hips, which is necessary for generating power in rotational activities. The split squat is an excellent workout for this. This movement not only stretches the hip flexors but also aids in the development of strength and mobility.

Strengthening Lower Back Pain

Let us now address the weakest link in the chain, rotation. The single-leg back extension is one of the most effective exercises for developing rotational strength. By switching from two to one leg, you test your core and the muscles around your spine to prevent tipping, which improves stability.

The Power of the Quadratus Lumborum (QL)

Next, we must concentrate on the quadratus lumborum (QL). This muscle is crucial for rotation, hence strengthening it is essential. Side bends can help you strengthen your QL. This lateral extension action aids in the development of strength and stability in this sometimes overlooked muscle.

The Path to Balanced Rotation

To recap, the goal here is not to eliminate rotation from your workout regimen, but rather to completely prepare your body for it. Equilibrium is crucial. To realise the full potential of rotation, you must treat both tight and weak linkages in your body. The method entails increasing flexibility, strengthening important muscles, and achieving harmony between these components.

The Importance of Balance in Training

It’s critical to recognise that we experience both quick, high-velocity movements and slower, regulated acts in our daily lives. Before diving into high-speed activities, you must first build a strong foundation of strength and mobility. This is where your training’s balance becomes apparent.

Experimenting with Opposite-Side Training for Lower Back Pain

Training the opposite side of your dominant side is an intriguing experiment to investigate. If you’re an athlete, especially if you play sports that require rotation, such as baseball or golf, try integrating warm-up activities that mirror motions on your non-dominant side. This can help your body balance out and potentially minimise your chance of damage.

Finally, the choice not to focus on training rotation in the traditional sense stems from a greater awareness of how our bodies move and the necessity to prepare thoroughly for life’s unpredictability. It is all about correcting weak links, strengthening tight links, and achieving balance in your training. Remember that rotation is a fundamental life skill, and you may better equip yourself by treating your body holistically.

Training for Longevity: A Unique Workout for All Ages

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Training for Longevity

In this video, we’ll look at a unique fitness regimen that transcends age. Derek, 45, appears to be in his 20s on the basketball court, and he’s here to show us how he practises. Derek’s mother, who is 69 years old, trains in a similar method and has joined them for hundreds of these longevity workouts. It’s an uplifting example of how a well-planned exercise programme can benefit people of all ages.

Starting with the Sled: Building a Strong Foundation

A sledge exercise kicks off the session. This exercise is unusual in that it begins slowly and can be tailored to your fitness level. Derek shows how to push the sledge while keeping perfect technique. It entails taking large strides and fully extending the back leg. The goal is to improve mobility and strength from the ground up.

The Magic of Sled Workouts

Sledge workouts are an important part of this training regimen. These differ from standard leg workouts in that the weight does not bear down on you; rather, it comes from the ground up. Sledge workouts are thus fundamentally safer than other leg exercises. The sled’s charm rests in its adaptability. You can push it both forward and backward, and each way has its own set of advantages. Forward pushes improve strength, and backward pushes improve rehabilitation and conditioning.

The Tibialis Raise: Strengthening the Lower Leg

The tibialis raise comes next, which targets the muscles in the lower leg opposite the calf muscles. Derek notes that the tibialis posterior is sometimes disregarded but plays an important role in overall leg strength. This exercise can be done with a variety of apparatus, such as a tip bar or a wall. Tibialis training is vital for anyone trying to improve their leg strength and stability.

Pigeon Pose and Hip Flexor Stretches

When you’ve worked on leg strength, it’s time to work on mobility. Stretches like the pigeon stance are included in the workout. This pose stretches the hip flexors and piriformis. It’s especially good for people who sit for long periods of time, which can develop tight hips.

The Couch Stretch: Unlocking Tight Hip Flexors

Another great exercise to counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting is the couch stretch. It aids in the release of tight hip flexors and quads, which are frequently affected by modern sedentary lives. This stretch may be difficult at first, but with time and repetition, you will notice major changes in hip flexibility and mobility.

Push-Ups for Upper Body Mobility

It’s time to move on to upper body mobility. Full-range push-ups are an essential component of this workout. The goal here is not just to gain power, but also to fully open the chest and shoulders. This exercise is designed to improve upper-body balance and flexibility. You may enhance your posture and upper body mobility by performing these push-ups.

Building Shoulder Stability with External Rotations

The final exercise in this workout regimen is designed to improve shoulder stability. External rotations entail retaining a precise position while externally rotating the arm. It’s a terrific workout for strengthening the muscles that keep the shoulders stable. The majority of people have weak external rotators, which can cause shoulder difficulties. This exercise can help prevent such problems and improve overall upper body strength.

A Complete Workout for Longevity

Finally, this one-of-a-kind fitness regimen incorporates a variety of activities aimed at improving longevity and overall well-being. It all starts with laying a solid foundation with sledge workouts and lower leg strengthening. Then it concentrates on mobility, focusing on areas like the hips and quads that often suffer as a result of our contemporary lifestyles.


Upper body mobility and stability are also covered, emphasising the significance of having a good balance of strength and flexibility. This workout is about feeling fit and agile at any age, not simply looking great. Derek and his mother are living proof that, with the appropriate exercise, you can stay young for decades. Thus, whether you’re 45 or 69, there’s no reason to wait any longer to begin preparing for a healthier, more active future.

ATG Squat: The Ultimate Guide To Building Resilient Knees And Long-lasting Strength – Your Journey To Vitality Starts Here!

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ATG Squat School: Building Stronger Knees and Longevity

Finding the correct balance between challenging your body and preventing injury may be a delicate art in the realm of fitness. That’s where ATG Squad School comes in: a curriculum designed to improve your squatting skills while lowering your chance of pain and injury. In this video, we’ll look at the three important components of ATG Squat School, see how the programme may assist people of all ages, and look at real-life success stories that demonstrate its usefulness.

The Three Keys of ATG Squat School

The ATG Squat Academy emphasises preparation, form, and balance. A full warm-up is required before beginning squats. Sledge work, ground-up movements and mobility exercises are the three basic components. These warm-up strategies can be adapted to your unique requirements and available equipment. You’re ready to begin the squat practise once you’ve thoroughly warmed up. Fernando, our coach, walks us through the steps, emphasising the significance of proper technique and the program’s unique benefits.

Customized Warm-Up: Preparing for Squat Success

Warming up before beginning any exercise is critical, and ATG Squat School acknowledges this by providing a customised method. Warming up, whether with a sledge, practising ground-up movements, or focusing on mobility exercises, lays the stage for a good squatting session. This personalised strategy ensures that you’re ready to challenge your body safely and effectively while avoiding unneeded strain.

Perfecting Squat Form: The Key to Knee Health

Perfecting your squat form is an important aspect of ATG Squat School. You may improve your knee health and overall performance by reaching the correct knee posture and implementing particular procedures. Maintaining good alignment and engaging the right muscles are essential for successful squats. Fernando demonstrates the proper knee-over-toe technique, which strengthens tendons, fascia, and major muscles, resulting in greater knee stability and strength.

Transitioning to Split Squats: A Step Towards Longevity

The transition from normal to split squats is an important stage in ATG Squat School. Split squats have a distinct advantage in that they promote balance while also strengthening hip muscles. These exercises are very good for players who want to improve their longevity in sports like basketball. Split squats increase knee protection and overall performance by treating muscular imbalances and focusing on controlled, gradual eccentric motions.

Nordic Hamstring Curls: Strengthening Behind-the-Knee Muscles

Strengthening the muscles behind the knee is a lesser-known but crucial component of knee health. This is where Nordic hamstring curls come into play. These workouts target the hamstrings while also improving knee stability. The key is eccentric motion, which emphasises controlled movements for optimum effect. By including Nordic hamstring curls into your regimen, you are strengthening the protective aspects for your knees and improving your overall athletic performance.

Success Stories: Longevity and Athletic Achievement

The effectiveness of ATG Squat School is supported by real-life success stories. Derek, a 45-year-old athlete, discusses his path from injury to athletic prowess. He discovered a “cheat code” in split squats that altered his basketball performance. Over time, split squats helped him balance his hips, enhance mobility, and keep his competitive edge. Athletes like Derek may live active, pain-free lives by focusing on improving form, addressing imbalances, and gradually gaining strength.

The Science Behind Strong Knees

The ATG Squat School is more than simply a set of exercises; it is a scientifically based approach to knee health. Full-range squatting, which engages the VMO (vastus medialis obliquus) muscle and preserves knee health, has been shown in studies to be beneficial. Individuals can build a strong foundation for injury prevention and overall joint health by constantly working on strengthening the muscles and tendons around the knee joint.

Embrace ATG Squat School for Longevity

ATG Squat School is a holistic method to improving knee health, boosting longevity, and optimising athletic performance. Individuals can create strong knees that support a lifetime of activity by focusing on specialised warm-ups, refining squat form, progressing to split squats, and engaging in hamstring curls. ATG Squat School is a fantastic resource for anyone trying to attain a mix of challenge and safety in their fitness path, with actual success stories and scientific proof. So, lace up your shoes, accept the research, and join the ATG Squat School movement towards stronger, healthier knees!