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How to Jump Higher: 9-Step Checklist

How to Jump Higher

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How to Jump Higher: A Guide by KneesOverToesGuy

Learn How to Jump Higher with KneesOverToesGuy. Ben shares his journey and expertise on how to jump higher while maintaining optimal knee health in this informative video. Ben begins by emphasising the importance of knee strength in jumping and how neglecting it can lead to a variety of issues, such as surgeries, painkiller addiction, and depression. He takes a novel approach to training, challenging conventional wisdom.

Starting with Full Range of Motion

Ben underscores the importance of working through a full range of motion to enhance muscle tissue and leg strength. Contrary to common practises limiting knee movement, he advocates for responsible freedom in training. Drawing inspiration from high jumpers like Olympic gold medalist Stephen Holm, he critiques the restrictive methods prescribed by some trainers and emphasises the benefits of backward walking.

The ATG Split Squat: A Scalable Solution

The discussion extends to the ATG split squat, a key exercise in Ben’s training arsenal. He explains how this exercise, when done correctly, positively impacts ankle and knee mobility. Through the example of Kador Xani, the shortest person to dunk and kick a basketball rim, Ben illustrates the potential for strength and flexibility to coexist.

Personal Journey and Scalability

Ben shares his personal journey, expressing his initial goal of playing basketball without knee surgeries. By incorporating the ATG split squat into his routine, he noticed improved knee health and unexpected gains in vertical jump. He introduces the concept of scalability, emphasising that training should be individualised and pain-free, regardless of age or ability.

How to Jump Higher: The Impact on Longevity

Ben’s motivation goes beyond personal goals; he envisions a future where his mom and individuals of all ages can maintain mobility and athleticism. Scalability becomes a cornerstone, allowing people to start from their current level and progress pain-free. He emphasises that scalability isn’t just about age; even elite athletes may need to start with foundational exercises.

George Hacken Schmid: An Exemplar of Longevity

To further emphasise the importance of scalability, Ben introduces George Hacken Schmid, who, in his mid-’80s, maintained incredible athleticism. He shares how Hacken Schmid’s routine, involving jumping over a chair, aligns with the principles of scalability and highlights the connection to backward walking exercises.

Strategies on How to Jump Higher

However, transitioning into strategies for achieving maximum jump height, Ben introduces Court, aiming to be the highest jumper globally. The three-pronged approach includes weekly jump sessions, slant squats, and strength in secondary areas. The emphasis is on balancing strength, technique, and conditioning to optimise jump performance.

Adapting the Checklist for Personal Goals

Ben provides a comprehensive nine-point checklist categorised into three main sections: the jump session, leg strength, and accessory exercises. He encourages individuals to evaluate their jump sessions for sufficient force, incorporating wins, and harnessing adrenaline. The checklist extends to monitoring the ease of slant squats and ATG split squats, the inclusion of sled work, and progress in ankle strength.

Ankle Strength, Posterior Chain, and Core Training

Delving into specifics, Ben discusses the significance of ankle strength, emphasizing the deep calf muscle and tibialis. The posterior chain, comprising hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, is recognized for its role in maintaining balance and strength during jumps. Additionally, Ben stresses the importance of full-range training for the upper body and core, connecting shoulder mobility to overall athleticism.

How to Jump Higher

Ben Patrick’s video offers a comprehensive guide to unlocking higher jumps and maintaining knee health. By blending personal experiences, scientific insights, and practical advice, he creates a roadmap for individuals aspiring to enhance their vertical jump while prioritizing joint health.

10 Benefits of The ATG Split Squat

ATG Split Squat

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Unlocking Athletic Potential: The ATG Split Squat

Unveiling the Benefits

The ATG split squat is more than just an exercise; it is a gateway to a world of fitness benefits. In this section, we will look at ten benefits, each of which contributes to the improvement of your physical abilities.

1. Front Ankle Mobility: A Foundation for the ATG Split Squat

Starting with front ankle mobility, this exercise prioritises front ankle flexibility. This fundamental mobility component sets the stage for a cascade of positive effects on your overall fitness.

2. Front Knee Connective Tissue Development: Building Resilience

The ATG split squat then actively promotes the development of connective tissues around the front knee. This is not just a muscle-building exercise; it is a comprehensive approach to fortifying the structures that support your knee joint.

3. Front Quads Development: Shaping the Vastus Medialis

The focus then shifts to the front quads, with a focus on the vastus medialis. This targeted development benefits both the aesthetics and functional strength of your legs.

4. Front Adductor Inner Thigh Development: A Comprehensive Approach

Deeper into the exercise, the benefits extend to the inner thigh muscles, promoting balanced and comprehensive leg muscle development. This openness is a distinguishing feature of the ATG split squat.

5. Front Glute Development: Sculpting Power and Stability

The journey continues with a focus on developing the front glutes. This muscle must be strengthened not only for aesthetic reasons but also to improve power and stability in various physical activities.

6. Rear Hip Flexor Flexibility: A Squat Foundation

The ATG split squat emphasises the flexibility of the rear hip flexors. This aspect is frequently overlooked, but it is crucial to overall hip health and mobility.

7. Rear Hip Flexor Strength: Balancing Flexibility with Strength

The exercise does not stop at flexibility; it also strengthens the rear hip flexors. This two-pronged approach ensures a balance of flexibility and strength, which is critical for athletic performance.

8. Jump Plateau Busting: Breaking Limits

Its ability to break through jump plateaus is one of its remarkable advantages. This exercise helped the speaker discover his dunking ability, and he attests to its effectiveness in pushing physical boundaries.

9. Speed Plateau Busting: Unlocking Speed Potential

Aside from jumps, the ATG split squat allows you to break through speed plateaus. Strength, flexibility, and targeted muscle development all contribute to increased athletic speed.

10. Guts and Mastery: The Psychological Advantage

The tenth advantage is psychological. Mastering the ATG split squat is a test of one’s determination and courage. It involves going to the gym and completing a difficult exercise.

Understanding the ATG Split Squat Progression

The speaker introduces the concept of a regression system before discussing the progression of the ATG split squat. This system serves as a guide, allowing people of all fitness levels to benefit from this exercise.

The Foundation: Zero Programme

The zero programme serves as a starting point. Indeed, it entails achieving a comfortable, pain-free range of motion with the front hamstring covering the calf. This fundamental step is required for everyone, even those in good health, to ensure proper form and avoid injuries.

Embracing Full Range of Motion: Debunking Myths

The speaker dispels myths about full range of motion, claiming that, contrary to popular belief, deep knee bending can protect and strengthen the knees. As a result, this insight aligns with current research, emphasising the importance of embracing a full range of motion for joint health.

Gradual Progression: From Split Squats to Deep Squats

Recognising that not everyone begins as a deep squat enthusiast, the speaker recommends a gradual progression. The ATG split squat acts as a stepping stone, allowing people to gradually increase their strength and comfort before progressing to full, deep squats.

Ankle and Knee Strengthening: The Role of Zero Programme in Preparing for Deep Squats

The zero programme includes exercises to strengthen the ankles and knees in addition to the ATG split squat. This comprehensive approach prepares people for the challenges of deep squats by laying a solid foundation.

The Power of Balance: Building Ankle Mobility

The importance of balance in the ATG split squat is emphasised by the speaker. Whether done with both legs or just one, the exercise improves ankle mobility, which is essential for overall lower body strength and flexibility.

Slant Board Integration: Stability and Loading

As people advance, the slant board becomes an invaluable tool. It improves stability, particularly when loaded with dumbbells or barbells. The slant board acts as a bridge between assisted and unassisted versions of the ATG split squat.

Heel Down Transformation: Long-Term Ankle Mobility

The transition to keeping the heel down is an intriguing aspect of the progression. This represents a long-term commitment to ankle mobility, with additional benefits such as increased stretch on the back hip flexors and front glute development.

Loading for Knee Strength: Finding Stability

The discussion includes loading for knee strength. Different approaches are investigated, such as keeping the heel up for more knee effect or keeping it down for stability. Ben argues that these variations based on individual needs and goals are necessary.

The Journey to Maximum Loading: A Personalised Approach

Finally, the speaker shares personal insights from his exploration of various loading methods. From industrial-sized door wedges to finding stability with specific techniques, he emphasises the importance of tailoring the approach to individual needs.

Unleashing Your Potential

The ATG split squat is more than just a workout; it is a transformational journey. From ankle mobility to knee strength, breaking plateaus to psychological mastery, this exercise provides a comprehensive approach to fitness. It is an invitation to unleash your athletic potential, one split squat at a time. So, grab your potential, embrace the challenge, and let the ATG split squat redefine your fitness narrative.

Knee Strengthening Exercises Mastery: From Novice to Ninja – Unleash Your Full Potential!

Knee Strengthening Exercises

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Unlocking Knee Health with Knee Strengthening Exercises: A Comprehensive Guide

Backward walking is a powerful but often overlooked fitness exercise that can significantly impact muscle development and connective tissue health. This method, based on 1970s research, challenges the conventional wisdom that having your knees over your toes is harmful. Let’s go over the advantages of backward walking as well as how deep split squats, particularly with an elevated front foot, can be a game changer in terms of knee health.

Understanding the Mechanics

According to 1970s research, when the knee is over the toes, there is more pressure on it. This pressure, particularly during activities such as descending stairs, is linked to an increased risk of falling, particularly in the elderly. Knee strengthening exercises emerge as a safer option. It not only relieves pressure on the knee, but it has also been linked to increased stability, which is important in preventing falls.

Backward walking is a promising solution for those who find descending stairs painful. Individuals can improve strength and circulation by incorporating this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes. This is especially beneficial for healing because an increased blood supply helps deliver essential nutrients to joints. Scaling the intensity of the exercise to an individual’s level allows for the transition from discomfort to pain-free movement.

The Deep Split Squat as a Healing Journey

Knee Strengthening Exercises like the deep split squat, especially with an elevated front foot, are an effective way to achieve motion and compression. The production of synovial fluid, a natural lubricant for joints, requires these exercises. The gradual inclusion of this exercise into one’s routine is a long-term investment in muscular strength, flexibility, and connective tissue harmony.

Connective tissue, our bodies’ structural framework, is critical to muscle support. The deep split squat, with its emphasis on motion and compression, can help to fortify this connective tissue. This was a game-changer for the system’s creator, resulting in a significant reduction in knee pain and a decade-long return to sports without setbacks.

Practical Application and Gradual Progression

The journey begins with a simple yet powerful recommendation: elevate the front foot during a deep split squat. This allows individuals to adapt and gradually build motion and compression in the knee joint. The goal is to achieve 25 pain-free repetitions with the heel elevated, focusing on letting connective tissue catch up to the muscle.

Interestingly, the creator argues that this exercise, requiring no equipment, surpasses the efficacy of expensive leg machines in gyms. The emphasis is not on dismissing other methods but on highlighting the accessibility and effectiveness of a minimalist approach.

Transitioning to Advanced Levels of Knee Strengthening Exercises

As people progress, the article suggests lowering the heel for more flexibility, targeting the inner thighs, and strengthening the glutes. The use of a slant board can help with loading, transitioning from assistance to dumbbells, and, eventually, barbell exercises. The creator claims that this nuanced progression achieves a balance between muscle development and connective tissue strength.

Recognising the potential challenges of implementing this system in a gym setting, the article assures readers that a stairwell is an excellent alternative. Having a positive mindset is important; personalised elevation and load adjustment and seeking form coaching are highlighted as critical elements for optimal results.

Incorporating Tools for Enhanced Results

The article introduces floss bands as a supplemental tool, particularly for those experiencing severe pain and limited time. While not a part of the creator’s personal journey, floss bands are presented as a valuable treatment option to improve joint flexibility and provide a massage-like effect. The emphasis is on occasional use rather than regular reliance.

Expanding the Scope: Knee Strengthening Exercises

Beyond deep split squats, the article delves into the utility of backward walking. For those who are uncomfortable with traditional backward walking due to balance concerns, it suggests using a treadmill with resistance or a sled. Furthermore, for those who have access to a pool, walking backward at a waiting depth is a low-impact but effective method.

These alternatives’ affordability and accessibility contrast with gym treadmills’ high cost and limited flexibility. With dedication and creativity, these alternatives can provide comparable or even superior results.

Acknowledging the Community and Expressing Gratitude

Knee Strengthening Exercises are vital for knee strength and mobility. The involvement of the community is lauded, and the article serves as both an educational resource and a testament to the growing acceptance of a system that challenges conventional fitness wisdom.

Hip Mobility Unleashed: 5 Secrets For Pain-Free Movement!

Hip Mobility

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This YouTube video demonstrates various hip mobility exercises for improving hip flexibility and strength. Ben demonstrates a series of exercises aimed at increasing hip ability and discusses their benefits, scaling options, and personal experiences. Indeed, these exercises are designed to help individuals enhance their hip mobility, prevent injuries, and improve sports performance. In this summary, we will break down the content into several sections and provide an overview of the key information.

The video starts by introducing the importance of hip mobility. So, Ben explains that hip mobility is essential for strength, flexibility, and injury prevention. Indeed, He emphasizes that the exercises demonstrated are a gentle and scalable way to improve hip mobility.

Hip Mobility Exercises

Head to Foot Exercise

Ben starts by doing the “Head to Foot” exercise. Furthermore, they describe good form, emphasising the importance of squeezing the glutes, engaging the abs, and keeping the knees off the floor. Change the bench angle, advance from assisted to unassisted, or add extra weight to scale this exercise.

Glute Contraction and Tibiofibular Dislocation

In addition, The movie emphasises the need of hip mobility for people suffering from conditions such as tibiofibular dislocation. The teacher describes how training on hip mobility might help with these issues. They provide certain techniques to prevent knee bone dislocation.

Scaling Options

There are multiple ways to scale the exercises, you can elevate the front foot or using assistance. In addition, tailor to your individual needs and abilities.

Stretching and Contracting

The importance of stretching and contracting hip muscles. The instructor shares their personal practice of 20 reps per set for three sets on their mobility day. They mention the importance of maintaining safety while progressing to more challenging levels.

Advanced Mobility Techniques

Furthermore, the video mentions a few advanced mobility techniques, including a shoutout to someone named Kadur Ziana, who is a flexibility mentor. These techniques are an additional means of improving hip ability.

Conclusion and Additional Tips

Ben summarises how these exercises are typically used in their training programmes, both as part of long-term full-body programmes and as part of short-term specialised protocols. These exercises are flexible and scalable. The film closes with advice on where to obtain additional programmes and equipment suggestions.

Key Takeaways

It does, in fact, provide a step-by-step guide to various hip ability exercises. The most important lessons are the importance of hip mobility for strength and flexibility, the importance of safe and progressive growth, and the numerous scaling choices available to people. Long-term training programmes or short-term targeted mobility work.

Individuals can improve their hip mobility, reduce their chance of injury, and improve their overall athletic performance by implementing these exercises into their routine. The video encourages viewers to incorporate these exercises into a well-rounded workout routine.

10 Minutes A Day, A Lifetime Of Benefits: The Proven Exercise Standards!

Exercise Standards

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Achieving Fitness After 40: The 5 Standards to a Healthier Life

If you are over 40, there is a good chance you believe you will not be able to achieve your fitness goals. Well, think again. In a world where Derek, 45, and Keegan, both in their forties, are setting new fitness standards, it is time to rethink what is possible. In this video, they are joined by their enthusiastic coach, Ben, to discuss five key fitness standards and show how, with dedication and the right mindset, you can achieve remarkable results regardless of your age.

Standard 1: Wrist Below Toes

The ability to place your wrist below your toes is a fundamental fitness standard. This is a key indicator of flexibility and mobility, and the team believes that 99% of people over 40 can achieve it with consistent effort. The first step, especially if you are over 40, is to rest your hands on something so you do not strain your back. You can gradually straighten one leg at a time until you can comfortably place your palms flat on the floor. This standard can be measured by seeing if you can do it with your quads flexed, ensuring a safe range of motion.

Standard 2: L-Sit

The L-sit is a powerful exercise that targets your upper body and core. It involves lifting your legs while keeping your upper body suspended on parallel bars. For most people, starting with one leg at a time and then progressing to both legs is the way to go. This exercise challenges the muscles responsible for lifting your legs, and it’s a crucial component of overall fitness, especially for those over 40. Developing strength in these muscles can help prevent age-related issues like loss of sprinting ability.

Standard 3: Hamstring Over Calf Flexibility

Hamstring flexibility is vital for overall mobility. If you can lift your heel comfortably above your calf without your back knee touching the floor, you’re on the right track. This is a challenging standard, as it demands a high level of flexibility in the back leg. Achieving this can be compared to working towards a front split. While front splits may not be everyone’s goal, this standard helps you maintain a wide range of motion and ensures that your body remains agile.

Standard 4: Full Range of Motion Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a classic exercise, and being able to perform ten full-range-of-motion pull-ups is a good benchmark to aim for. Derek shows proper form by completing each rep with a full extension at the bottom and a full contraction at the top. It is critical to address any weaknesses in your pull-up game, especially at the top of the movement. While it may take some time to strengthen this part, it is a necessary step towards mastering the exercise and improving your upper-body strength.

Standard 5: Face Pulls for Postural Strength

The final standard involves using a cable machine for face pulls, which targets the muscles that help maintain good posture. It’s a way to develop upper back and shoulder strength and work on your overall posture. This exercise can be particularly challenging for people over 40, as it demands a level of strength that can decrease with age. Achieving these standards can be a powerful tool for ensuring that your body stays strong, mobile, and injury-free as you age.

The Power of Consistency

The key message here is that with a little consistency, you can reach these fitness standards. They aren’t just for athletes; they’re for everyone who values their health. It’s not about spending hours in the gym; even 10 minutes a day can lead to remarkable results. The standards act as a foundation for a healthier lifestyle, offering a concrete way to track your progress and make long-lasting changes to your physical and mental well-being.

The Influence of Community

A vital element in reaching these standards is the community. Surrounding yourself with people who share your values can make the journey more enjoyable and inspirational. These standards are not just about individual success; they are also about leading by example and inspiring those around you.

When you’re work towards your fitness goals, you’re not only improving your own life but potentially inspiring others to embark on a similar path to better health.When it comes to fitness, age is merely a number. Regardless of your age, the five standards discussed in this video provide a clear and attainable path to a healthier, more active lifestyle. These standards, when combined with the power of consistency and the support of a community, can serve as a foundation for lifelong health and well-being. why not set an example, take charge of your fitness, and prove that age is no barrier to achieving a healthier, happier you?

Strengthen Your Feet and Ankles with Simple Exercises

Strengthen Your Feet

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Strengthen Your Feet and Ankles with Simple Exercises

Strengthen your feet and ankles: We’re going to explore an easy and cost-effective way to strengthen your feet and ankles. Indeed, You’ll discover a simple protocol that involves walking backward and how it can help improve your athletic abilities while addressing common issues with your feet. Anyone can access it without the need for expensive equipment. Let’s dive into this innovative approach.

The Foot Protocol: Strengthen Your Feet by Walking Backward with Intention

Discovering the Big Toe

Have you ever thought about your big toe? In this protocol, we’re focusing on your big toe’s role in strengthening your feet and ankles. Many people often overlook the big toe, but it plays a vital role in your overall foot health. The key is to feel your big toe with every step.

Decades in Shoes

Consequently, Many of us have spent decades wearing shoes that aren’t shaped like feet. This may sound strange, but most shoes are designed for fashion rather than foot health. Moreover, Over time, our big toes can become jammed or misaligned due to these poorly designed shoes.

Shoes Shaped Like Feet

What’s more, To address this issue, it’s essential to find shoes that are shaped like feet. These shoes allow your toes, especially the big toe, to sit naturally. In some cases, you might even need a spacer to ensure your big toe remains straight.

Notable Results

When you start paying attention to your big toe and make an effort to feel it while walking, you may experience noticeable improvements. Your big toe will strengthen, and you might even feel your leg muscles engage better. While there isn’t an exact measure for this, it’s a simple practice that can benefit many.

The Power of Full Range of Motion

Strengthening Ankle Through Full Range of Motion

The key to this protocol is to strengthen your ankles through their full range of motion. In contrast, Many expensive alternatives are available, but this simple practice can often yield better results. It’s an affordable way to work on your athletic abilities.

Start with Walking

The great thing about this exercise is that almost anyone can do it. You can start by walking backward, even if your steps are as small as one inch. The focus is on engaging your ankles and working on their flexibility.

Introducing Tibialis Raises

Similarly, If you’re looking to intensify your routine, you can introduce tibialis raises. These exercises target the muscles on the front of the lower leg. Even starting with just one pound of resistance can make a significant difference.

Transforming Weak Links into Strength

This protocol is about identifying weak links in your body and transforming them into strengths. Indeed, Weak links often lead to malfunctions and injuries. By focusing on strengthening your ankles, you can prevent these issues.

Further Study: Knees Over Toes

Exploring Kadur Xan’s book on Amazon is recommended for a deeper understanding of feet and ankle health. Xan, known for his impressive athletic abilities, is a strong advocate for knees-over-toes training. He’s a living example of the benefits of strong feet and ankles, and his insights can further inspire your journey to better foot health.

Innovative Equipment: The Backward Treadmill

For those looking to take their foot and ankle training to the next level, further, consider the innovative backward treadmill. Designers created these treadmills to provide athletes with a highly effective technique: the experience of dragging a sled backward.. This equipment is accessible and cost-effective, making it a great addition to your training routine.

Gratitude for Early Supporters

Additionally, The backward treadmills are now available thanks to the support of early enthusiasts of this training approach. Therefore, The 1.0 version is already making a difference in people’s lives, and the Ben is dedicated to further improving this equipment to provide even more benefits.

Strengthen Your Feet and Ankles with Simple Exercises

Strengthening your feet and ankles is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your athletic abilities and prevent injuries. Moreover, The foot protocol involving walking backward with intention, paying attention to your big toe, and using innovative equipment like the backward treadmill can transform your fitness routine. Although, this approach is accessible to everyone and doesn’t require expensive alternatives. In sum, It’s a reminder that sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective. So, start focusing on your feet, and you’ll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your overall well-being.

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