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How to Start Improving Bad Knees Right Now

How to Start Improving Bad Knees Right Now

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How to Start Improving Bad Knees, even without any fancy equipment. Here’s what you can do: Start with a 10-minute walk, but try walking backward instead. Or you can do 25 tibialis raises. These exercises work the muscles around your knees and make them stronger. When your muscles are stronger, it helps your knees heal and makes them less likely to get hurt.

I know these exercises work because they helped me achieve my dream of being able to dunk a basketball. Now, when I play basketball, I feel amazing because my knees don’t hurt anymore. I used to rely on surgeries, painkillers, and icing all the time just to get through the day. But now, I haven’t had any problems with my knees for ten years, all thanks to these simple exercises.

But it’s not just about doing the exercises. It’s also about doing them the right way. I learned this from watching an incredible athlete named Bryce Harper. He always tries to do every exercise perfectly. Seeing his dedication made me realize that to get the best results, you have to give your all in every workout.

So, I decided to follow Bryce Harper’s example. I won’t settle for doing exercises halfway. I’ll strive to do each one perfectly. I won’t try to lift heavier weights until I can do the exercises with my own body weight. I believe that this approach will make my training year a success, just like it did for Bryce.

It’s important to set goals for yourself. One goal is to be able to lift your heel while keeping good form. That might sound simple, but it’s an important step. Another goal is to be able to do 25 reps of the exercise with weights in each hand. I found that reaching this goal can really change your life. Even being able to do the exercise with just your body weight is a big accomplishment.

But be careful when you want to go beyond those goals. It’s important to think about what you want to achieve and talk to a coach if you want to do more. For me, in the next year, I’ll focus on doing each rep perfectly, rather than trying to lift heavier weights. I believe this will make my training year a big success.

While the exercises are important, I also want to talk about the tibialis raise. This exercise works a muscle called the tibialis that often gets ignored. Some people feel a burning sensation or heel pain when doing this exercise. I recommend wearing supportive shoes and easing the pressure by alternating sides. If you’re more advanced, you can try doing the exercise on one leg, but start with the basics and gradually work your way up.

I’m really grateful to Bob Guida, the person who came up with the tibialis raise. His clever idea, many years ago, changed the way athletes stay in shape. Even though this exercise isn’t as popular now, it made a big difference in my own fitness journey.

To help more people do these exercises, I’ve worked with equipment makers to create the Tip Bar. It’s a simple tool that works well. You can find the Tip Bar in stores now, and I even started my own equipment company to offer it at lower prices. I want to share my knowledge and make it affordable for everyone who wants to improve their knee health.

I want to say a big thank you to the ATG community for their support. Without them, I wouldn’t be here, making videos and sharing the ATG system. I appreciate their trust and support, and together, we’ve built a great community that helps and encourages each other. It’s not just about winning or losing—it’s about being part of the game of life.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to say thank you and express my gratitude. My journey

of overcoming knee issues has been life-changing, and it’s all thanks to these exercises. I encourage you to try them, give them your all, and see the difference they can make. And remember, while pursuing your own goals, don’t forget to show kindness and support to others. Together, we can achieve greatness and help one another along the way.

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Knee Ability Unleashed: Pain-Free Knees for a Lifetime of Active Adventure

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Enhance Strength, Mobility, and Performance: The KneesOverToesGuy’s Transformative Exercises

Fitness expert and certified ATG coach, Ben Patrick, also known as the “KneesOverToesGuy,” takes center stage in this captivating YouTube video. He demonstrates a series of exercises aimed at improving strength, mobility, and athletic performance. Let’s dive into the details of sled step-ups, split squats, and squats—powerful movements that can transform your fitness journey.

Sled Step-ups: Unleashing Backward Movement Potential

In this section, Ben introduces sled step-ups, a game-changing exercise that demands attention. By securing the belt around your waist, you can effortlessly engage in this movement, even if you’re a beginner. Ben emphasizes slow and controlled motions, which strengthen your feet, lower leg muscles, and knees. The sled belt’s innovative stopper feature prevents constriction during backward movements, allowing for optimal form. Witness the subtle changes as Ben’s wife attempts sled step-ups with straighter arms, enhancing the exercise’s effectiveness. Discover the tremendous benefits of sled step-ups, focusing on knee strength development and maintaining proper knee positioning over the toes.

Step Ups: Unlocking Athletic Prowess

Partnering with Keegan Smith, Ben explores the concept of knee-over-toe training and its connection to exceptional athletic performance. Step Ups, a key exercise, closely relate to high jumping and sprinting. By targeting knee extension, Step Ups play a crucial role in injury prevention and performance enhancement. Research highlights their positive impact on the development of the patellar tendon and quadriceps. Witness the versatility of Step Ups and their variations, catering to individual needs through regression techniques and adjustments in height and assistance.

Split Squats: Strengthening the Knee Joint

In this section, Ben highlights split squats—a potent exercise that fortifies the knee joint and supporting structures. Through various regression techniques, Ben demonstrates how split squats can be customized to individual abilities. Witness Alyssa’s inspiring journey, as she regains strength and mobility after childbirth through the power of split squats. Discover how this exercise can positively impact your fitness journey.

Squats: Foundation of Strength and Performance

As we reach the climax of the video, Ben delves into the significance of squats—a fundamental exercise integrating the elements of previous movements. Reflecting on his personal experience of overcoming knee pain and limitations, Ben underscores the importance of proper form and technique in squatting. Squats are portrayed as a dynamic whole-body exercise that improves spine strength and overall performance.

Success Stories: Inspiration and Motivation

Ben proudly shares success stories of individuals who have transformed their lives through sled step-ups, split squats, and squats. Witness their inspiring journeys and feel a renewed sense of hope and motivation. To challenge yourself further and promote acceleration, Ben mentions the use of chains, demonstrating the versatility and continuous progression inherent in these exercises.

Transform Your Fitness Journey with Ben Patrick, the KneesOverToesGuy

This captivating YouTube video showcases Ben Patrick, the KneesOverToesGuy, guiding viewers through the transformative exercises of sled step-ups, split squats, and squats. With active words and concise sentence length, Ben’s expertise shines through, emphasizing the potential for improved strength, mobility, and athletic performance. Witness the progressive nature of these exercises, building upon each other to create a holistic training experience. Gain inspiration from success stories shared throughout the video, reminding us of the remarkable results achievable through these exercises. Embark on your fitness journey today and unlock your full potential with sled step-ups, split squats, and squats.

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