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In this video, we’ll look at the benefits of deep squats, as well as address some frequent concerns and debunk certain myths. Ben Patrick, aka The Kneesovertoesguy, will walk us through the science and practise of deep squats. Deep squats, contrary to popular thought, can be a beneficial workout for strengthening your legs and protecting your knees when performed correctly.

The Deep Squat Challenge

Deep squats, particularly controlled, pain-free deep squats with extra body weight and load, are one of Ben Patrick’s 20 body standards. This was not always the case. Ben initially disliked deep squats due to the pain induced by chronic diseases and stiffness from previous surgery.

Overcoming Challenges of Deep Squats

Ben had to start with lower levels of deep squats than he had ever seen anyone do in the gym to overcome these obstacles. Building up his deep squat capability gradually proved to be a game changer. This journey demonstrates the importance of perseverance and gradual improvement in developing one’s physical ability.

The Role of a Wooden Slant

One crucial tool in Ben’s journey to mastering deep squats was a simple wooden slant. This unassuming piece of equipment played a significant role in developing his knees and enhancing his deep squat performance. It demonstrates that sometimes the simplest solutions can have the most significant impact on your fitness journey.

Resisted Backward Walking

Resisted backward walking was another strategy that helped improve knee strength. This exercise helped create the necessary strength to support deep squats by targeting the muscles below the knee. It demonstrates the efficacy of tailored activities in achieving certain fitness goals.

Flossing for Breakthroughs for Deep Squats

While not necessary for everyone, flossing has consistently led to breakthroughs for individuals facing significant mobility challenges. Flossing involves wrapping a band around the joint and moving it through a range of motion. This method can be particularly helpful for those struggling with mobility issues.

Leg Days as a Source of Joy

For Ben, leg days have transformed from a source of pain and discomfort into a source of joy and accomplishment. This transformation underscores the idea that, with the right approach and dedication, you can overcome physical limitations and achieve your fitness goals.

Coaching for Precise Progressions

Ben emphasises the importance of coaching through simple yet precise progressions. This coaching is aimed at helping others experience the same sense of achievement and transformation that he did. It’s a testament to the power of guidance and mentorship in the world of fitness.

Understanding Different Viewpoints of Deep Squats

If you decide to incorporate deep squats into your gym routine, you might encounter differing viewpoints. Someone with knowledge or experience may approach you and suggest that squats are not advisable. It’s crucial to understand their perspective and not engage in arguments.

The Influence of Education

People who advise against deep squats frequently base their judgements on what they were taught in school. Some views and practises become embedded in academic contexts, and departing from them might be difficult. It is critical to understand that these beliefs are not absolute truths.

The 2013 Study

Ben cites 2013 research that examined 162 publications about deep squats in the video. This study calls into question some frequently held notions about squats. It serves as a warning that even scientific understanding can change over time, and what was previously regarded as gospel may need to be revised.

Maintaining an Open Mind

Ben encourages viewers to be understanding when faced with differing opinions. Instead of arguing, it’s more productive to maintain an open mind and consider multiple perspectives. What is true for you is what you believe based on your experiences and knowledge.

The Truth About Deep Squats

Deep squats can be a helpful addition to your training regimen if executed correctly and gradually. They have the potential to strengthen and protect your legs and knees. Ben Patrick’s transformation from hating squats to loving them as a source of joy and accomplishment exemplifies the transformational power of perseverance and dedication in fitness. Have an open mind, be tolerant with opposing ideas, and concentrate on what works best for your body and your goals.