Foot Function

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Embracing Natural Foot Function

In today’s fast-paced world, where we are constantly on our feet, it is critical to pay attention to our foot function. Did you know that in the United States, approximately 3 million cases of bunions are reported each year? In this video, we will look at a three-step approach to foot health, focusing on natural foot function, ankle strength, and avoiding common problems like ankle sprains and shin splints.

Step 1: Embrace Natural Foot Function

Contrarily, the path to healthier feet begins with understanding how our feet are designed to function. Although Ben suggests wearing a big toe spacer and shoes shaped like a foot, this allows your toes to spread naturally, preventing common foot problems. In addition, the speaker suggests walking backward with resistance as a toe-first activity, which provides a natural foot-strengthening routine. By incorporating these three simple practices into your daily routine, you can reap the benefits of more flexible and functional feet.

Step 2: Ankle Awareness and Injury Prevention

Moving on to the ankle, the speaker provides useful information on ankle health and injury prevention. Did you know that shoes with air pockets make ankle sprains more likely? An Australian study discovered that people who wear such shoes are four times more likely to sustain ankle injuries. To reduce this risk, the speaker advises wearing shoes with no air pockets. He also emphasises two key points: understanding the negative impact of a lifted heel on ankle sprains and learning how to “floss” the ankle for pain relief and improved mobility.

Step 3: Strengthening Ankles with Tib Bars

The speaker introduces Bob GAA’s invention, tib bars, and discusses their significance in ankle strength training. Despite not inventing them, he was instrumental in reintroducing tib bars to the market. Tib bars, or Dynamic Axial Resistance Devices, are a novel way to strengthen ankles over time. The speaker emphasises the importance of investing in high-quality tib bars, highlighting the risks associated with low-cost alternatives on the market.

Achilles Tendon Care: Building Strength for Resilience

Moving down to the Achilles tendon, the speaker suggests a simple yet effective method for ensuring its strength and resilience. Lower, deeper calf muscles, particularly the soleus, are critical to Achilles health. The speaker suggests using a seated calf machine or a tib bar at home to train the calves with the knee over the toe. This simple exercise helps to increase strength and protect against Achilles issues.

Banishing Shin Splints: Strengthening from the Ground Up

Shin splints can be a recurring problem for many people, especially those who participate in high-impact sports like basketball. Furthermore, Ben discusses his personal experience with shin splints and the interconnectedness of the foot, ankle, and lower leg muscles. You can significantly reduce your risk of shin splints and enjoy pain-free movement by focusing on strengthening the tibialis muscle, solus, and overall foot function.

A Holistic Approach to Foot Function

Indeed, this video is a step-by-step guide to maintaining strong, healthy feet and ankles. Indeed, these simple steps can contribute to a lifetime of pain-free movement by embracing natural foot function, understanding the impact of shoe design on ankle health, and incorporating strength training with tib bars. Remember that foot care is about more than just preventing immediate problems; it is also about laying the groundwork for a more active and enjoyable lifestyle. So, lace up your shoes, incorporate these practices into your routine, and take a step towards a healthier future for your feet and ankles!

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