Improve Your Mobility

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Improve Your Mobility and Flexibility

Improve Your Mobility and Flexibility, Ben, introduces a mobility and flexibility exercise in this video that aims to strengthen several muscle groups. The value of flexibility and how it might improve athletic performance are stressed by him. The exercise is made to be scalable, which allows for various levels of fitness to be accommodated. Let’s investigate the benefits of the exercises.

Start with the Big Toe

Ben begins by talking about the importance of the big toe in terms of mobility. He says a lot of patients who have knee problems also have tight big toes. It becomes simpler to lean back and enhance overall mobility by progressively putting pressure on the big toe and developing flexibility.

Addressing Calf Muscles

Ben then draws attention to the stiffness in the calf muscles, which is sometimes brought on by modern footwear with extra heel cushioning. He uses a slat board to show how a quick workout may loosen up this stiffness and additionally increase flexibility. People can lean forward and increase their movement by actively engaging their calves.

Expanding to the Hips

Ben introduces hip-targeting movements while concentrating on hamstring and upper calf tension. He shows how to hold a 90-90 position and discusses how simple it is to do so by regularly stretching. These exercises aid in maintaining flexibility and improving lateral mobility, both of which are essential for a variety of sports.

Internal Rotation and Hip Flexibility

The presenter talks about how crucial internal rotation is for hip flexibility. He argues that exercising the hips on both sides is advantageous for sports that call for lateral motion. Ben displays various postures for enhancing internal rotation, such as leaning back and then using the Sartorius muscles.

The Butterfly Stretch and Couch Stretch

Ben then performs the butterfly stretch, which focuses on the muscles in the groyne. He advises supporting yourself against the wall while progressively deepening the stretch. He also highlights the sofa stretch, an activity that can change a person’s life after having knee surgery. Maintaining consistency in these stretches promotes lower body mobility and flexibility.

Full Range of Motion

The final exercise in the lower body mobility regimen, the ass to grass split squat, is shown by the presenter. Without elevating the heel or touching the back knee to the floor, he displays the ideal front hamstring position with the calf covered. Full range of motion is required for this exercise, and Ben understands that not everyone will be able to do so right away.

Shoulder Routine

Ben starts a bonus exercise that emphasises shoulder mobility. To avoid shoulder problems, he emphasises the significance of strong external rotation muscles. People can strengthen their shoulder joint’s flexibility and range of motion by performing workouts like pullovers and external rotation. Athletes who play football and tennis will especially benefit from this.

Improve Your Mobility

Finally stresses the value of combining strength and flexibility in preserving total mobility. No matter where they are at right now, he exhorts people to begin working on their flexibility because sustaining flexibility is easier than developing it. Individuals can improve their sports performance and lower their chance of injuries by regularly including these workouts into their routines.

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