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Training for Longevity

In this video, we’ll look at a unique fitness regimen that transcends age. Derek, 45, appears to be in his 20s on the basketball court, and he’s here to show us how he practises. Derek’s mother, who is 69 years old, trains in a similar method and has joined them for hundreds of these longevity workouts. It’s an uplifting example of how a well-planned exercise programme can benefit people of all ages.

Starting with the Sled: Building a Strong Foundation

A sledge exercise kicks off the session. This exercise is unusual in that it begins slowly and can be tailored to your fitness level. Derek shows how to push the sledge while keeping perfect technique. It entails taking large strides and fully extending the back leg. The goal is to improve mobility and strength from the ground up.

The Magic of Sled Workouts

Sledge workouts are an important part of this training regimen. These differ from standard leg workouts in that the weight does not bear down on you; rather, it comes from the ground up. Sledge workouts are thus fundamentally safer than other leg exercises. The sled’s charm rests in its adaptability. You can push it both forward and backward, and each way has its own set of advantages. Forward pushes improve strength, and backward pushes improve rehabilitation and conditioning.

The Tibialis Raise: Strengthening the Lower Leg

The tibialis raise comes next, which targets the muscles in the lower leg opposite the calf muscles. Derek notes that the tibialis posterior is sometimes disregarded but plays an important role in overall leg strength. This exercise can be done with a variety of apparatus, such as a tip bar or a wall. Tibialis training is vital for anyone trying to improve their leg strength and stability.

Pigeon Pose and Hip Flexor Stretches

When you’ve worked on leg strength, it’s time to work on mobility. Stretches like the pigeon stance are included in the workout. This pose stretches the hip flexors and piriformis. It’s especially good for people who sit for long periods of time, which can develop tight hips.

The Couch Stretch: Unlocking Tight Hip Flexors

Another great exercise to counteract the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting is the couch stretch. It aids in the release of tight hip flexors and quads, which are frequently affected by modern sedentary lives. This stretch may be difficult at first, but with time and repetition, you will notice major changes in hip flexibility and mobility.

Push-Ups for Upper Body Mobility

It’s time to move on to upper body mobility. Full-range push-ups are an essential component of this workout. The goal here is not just to gain power, but also to fully open the chest and shoulders. This exercise is designed to improve upper-body balance and flexibility. You may enhance your posture and upper body mobility by performing these push-ups.

Building Shoulder Stability with External Rotations

The final exercise in this workout regimen is designed to improve shoulder stability. External rotations entail retaining a precise position while externally rotating the arm. It’s a terrific workout for strengthening the muscles that keep the shoulders stable. The majority of people have weak external rotators, which can cause shoulder difficulties. This exercise can help prevent such problems and improve overall upper body strength.

A Complete Workout for Longevity

Finally, this one-of-a-kind fitness regimen incorporates a variety of activities aimed at improving longevity and overall well-being. It all starts with laying a solid foundation with sledge workouts and lower leg strengthening. Then it concentrates on mobility, focusing on areas like the hips and quads that often suffer as a result of our contemporary lifestyles.


Upper body mobility and stability are also covered, emphasising the significance of having a good balance of strength and flexibility. This workout is about feeling fit and agile at any age, not simply looking great. Derek and his mother are living proof that, with the appropriate exercise, you can stay young for decades. Thus, whether you’re 45 or 69, there’s no reason to wait any longer to begin preparing for a healthier, more active future.