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Rebuilding Your Back: The Road to Healing and Strength From Low Back Pain

Brendan Backstrom, better known as LowBackAbility, tells his personal path of overcoming chronic low back pain and how he found hope and healing through progressive and direct routes in this amazing video. He emphasises the significance of confronting our worries and accepting the task of regaining our back power. Brendan’s Back Breakthrough Blueprint online coaching programme aims to provide guidance and assistance to anyone suffering from back pain.

The Power of Progressive Routes:

Brendan highlights that people suffering from chronic low back pain have hope. He encourages viewers to accept progressive and direct healing paths rather than depending on quick-fix drills. He was able to make substantial progress in his recuperation by approaching back training with humility and honesty.

Understanding the Back Extension Exercise:

The back extension exercise is a crucial activity in back reconstruction. Brendan emphasises the importance of not ignoring the back and developing power throughout the entire spine. Several muscles, such as the interspinalis, play important roles in back support and must be recruited through full flexion and extension.

The Three-Step Approach to Rebuilding the Back:

Brendan breaks down the three steps to regaining direct low back ability through the back extension exercise:

  1. Isometric Hold: Start with a two-legged isometric hold for two minutes. Gradually increase the tension and trust in motion through this step.
  2. Single-Leg Isometric Hold: Progress to a single-leg isometric hold for one minute on each side. This exercise targets different areas of the back, enhancing stability and flexibility.
  3. Full Range Reps: Gradually work on regaining full range reps with both legs, aiming for 30 reps. Eventually, transition to single-leg reps and continue to balance strength on both sides.

The Importance of Patience and Gradual Progression:

Brendan emphasises that repairing the back is a lengthy process. It takes time and patience at each stage to allow the body to adapt and find evidence to trust movement again. Rushing the process may result in setbacks, whereas consistent development promotes long-term healing.

Embracing Uncertainty and Learning from Outliers:

Facing uncertainty is crucial in the healing journey. Brendan encourages viewers to look beyond what seems impossible and find inspiration from outliers who have successfully overcome back pain through progressive training. By embracing uncertainty, one can discover new possibilities and push their boundaries.

The Low Back Pain Breakthrough Blueprint:

For those seeking additional guidance, Brendan offers the Back Breakthrough Blueprint, an online coaching program that includes live coaching calls and training sessions. The program covers various aspects of back healing, including hip mobility, upper back ability, and non-movement solutions.

Heal from Low Back Pain:

Brendan Backstrom’s video is a ray of hope for anyone suffering from severe back pain. He demonstrates that regaining back strength is achievable for people of all ages by taking progressive and straightforward steps. His message focuses on conquering our fears, embracing uncertainty, and never giving up on our bodies. Brendan’s caring and approachable approach offers encouragement and motivation to all those seeking relief and healing for their backs, whether following the three-step programme or seeking direction through the Back Breakthrough Blueprint.

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