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Overcoming Back Pain: A Journey to Pain-Free Squats

The speaker shares their experience of dealing with back pain while performing back squats. They discovered that certain squat variations caused less pain, leading them to explore the reasons behind these differences. By understanding the movements and identifying weaknesses, they were able to build resilience and eventually perform squats without any discomfort.

Identifying the Problem:

Back squats used to leave the speaker waking up with pain, leading them to seek alternatives. They switched to front squats and later super upright VMO squats, but pain persisted. Realizing that the pain was specific to certain squat variations, they decided to investigate further.

Studying the Movements:

The speaker carefully studied the subtle differences between various squat variations to pinpoint the root of their pain. By closely examining the mechanics of each movement, they hoped to find the missing link causing their discomfort.

Discovering the Weakness:

Through their analysis, the speaker identified a specific gap in their strength and flexibility that was likely responsible for the pain. This gap was related to a particular position of the back during the squat, both in the bottom and top portions.

Addressing the Back Pain:

To build resilience in the weak area, the speaker incorporated training with modest range in a CD good morning. This exercise replicated the back’s position in the bottom of the squat and helped prepare their back for the top portion of the squat. They also focused on back extension exercises to improve overall strength and support the squat movements.

Improving Strength and Ability:

As the speaker consistently trained with the CD good morning and back extension exercises, they noticed improvements in their strength and ability. Over time, this training allowed them to handle the demands of various squat variations without experiencing pain.

Achieving a Pain-Free Lifestyle:

Thanks to their dedicated efforts and targeted training, the speaker was finally able to return to pain-free squats. They found that addressing the specific weakness in their back made a significant difference in their squatting experience.

Overcoming back pain and achieving a pain-free lifestyle is possible with targeted training and a focus on building resilience. By studying the movements, identifying weaknesses, and addressing specific gaps in strength and flexibility, individuals can improve their squatting experience. Consistency and patience are essential on this journey to a pain-free lifestyle, and understanding the body’s needs can lead to success. With the right approach and dedication, anyone can overcome back pain and enjoy the benefits of a pain-free squatting experience.

