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How to Reverse Shoulder Pain

How to Reverse Shoulder Pain – this video, we will explore a comprehensive guide to strengthening shoulder muscles, which is essential for injury prevention. Ben Patrick, famously known as The Kneesovertoesguy, shares valuable insights on how to perform these exercises effectively and why they are crucial for shoulder health. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand the significance of shoulder muscle strength and how it can benefit you in various aspects of life.

Proper Form is Key

Before diving into the specifics of the exercises, it’s crucial to understand the importance of maintaining proper form. Ben emphasises that your elbow should be just inside the kneecap on the muscle you’re targeting. This ensures that you are targeting the right muscle group and not compromising your form during the exercises.

Maintaining Posture

During these exercises, maintaining proper posture is essential. Ben advises controlling the movement of your body and keeping your posture upright. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the exercises but also reduces the risk of injury.

Rotational Movement

The shoulder muscle exercises discussed in this guide involve rotational movements. Ben demonstrates the importance of this movement by rotating his torso at about a 45-degree angle to the thigh. This angle allows for optimal engagement of the shoulder muscles, providing both strength and flexibility.

The 12 Rep Standard

To gauge your progress, Ben recommends following the standard of 12 repetitions per exercise. These 12 reps should be performed with 10 percent of your body weight. This standard helps you track your development over time, ensuring that you are consistently challenging yourself.

Variations for Maximum Benefit

Ben introduces variations to these exercises to maximise their benefits. He explains that there are different angles and ranges of motion that can be explored. For instance, you can start with the standard form, then gradually turn your torso as you reach failure. This approach allows you to work on different aspects of shoulder strength and flexibility.

The Importance of Stretch

Stretching is a key component of these shoulder exercises. Ben emphasises that while both full rotation and partial rotation have their merits, it’s essential to find a balance between them. Stretching to the fullest extent may make the exercise easier, but it’s crucial to challenge yourself to achieve the desired results.

Avoiding Cheating To Reverse Shoulder Pain

To get the most out of these exercises, Ben highlights the importance of avoiding cheating. He demonstrates how moving your leg during the exercise can make it easier but less effective. To prevent this, focus on rotating your torso without letting your leg move. This ensures that the targeted shoulder muscles are fully engaged.

Context Matters: Shoulder Muscle Training

Understanding the context of these exercises is vital. Ben explains that these exercises specifically target the muscles that attach the shoulder to the socket. Strengthening these muscles plays a significant role in preventing shoulder pain and injuries. He personally credits these exercises with alleviating his chronic shoulder pain.

Counteracting Throwing-Related Injuries

Ben draws an interesting parallel between these exercises and throwing, a common cause of shoulder injuries. By strengthening the muscles involved in the opposite movement of throwing, you can significantly reduce your risk of shoulder injuries. This insight is especially valuable for athletes in throwing sports.

Sitting Variation

For those looking for an alternative approach or working in a gym setting, Ben suggests a sitting variation of these exercises. Sitting on a bench with your foot up on the bench, you can still achieve the 45-degree torso angle and maintain good posture. This variation offers an effective alternative to the standard standing exercises.

Back Health and Reverse Shoulder Pain

Ben also emphasises the importance of considering back health when working on shoulder strength. He categorises these exercises into different muscle groups: rotators, power raises, scapular retractors, and rear deltoids. These exercises collectively contribute to shoulder health and lower back stability.

The Three Shoulder Standards

Within the ATG (All Things Gym) system, there are three shoulder standards, each targeting different aspects of shoulder strength. These standards are: external rotation with ten reps; power raises with ten reps; and trap three raises with eight reps. Achieving proficiency in these standards is a significant step towards injury prevention and overall shoulder health.

Chasing the 1% To Reverse Shoulder Pain

Ben’s goal is to help individuals achieve exceptional results. He notes that around 98% of people he has trained initially struggle with these shoulder standards. However, by diligently working on them, you can join the 1% of individuals with exceptional shoulder strength, which greatly reduces the risk of injuries.

Reverse Shoulder Pain

In conclusion, Ben Patrick, The Kneesovertoesguy, has provided us with a comprehensive guide to strengthening shoulder muscles for injury prevention. By following these standards and exercises, you can enhance your shoulder strength, reduce the risk of shoulder injuries, and enjoy a more active and fulfilling life. Remember, it’s not about perfection but progress, and these exercises can help you progress toward a healthier, stronger you.