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In this video, we’ll look at some novel and efficient ways to strengthen your lower back. This workout strengthens your lower back and inner thighs while also improving your mobility and general strength. We’ll go over the evolution of this exercise and why it’s so important for having a strong and robust body.

The ATG Lower Back Foundation Exercise

The ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is intended to increase lower back strength while improving inner thigh flexibility. The progression begins with bodyweight workouts and progresses to dumbbell and barbell loading. Follow these steps to complete this exercise correctly:

  1. Begin by positioning your knees wide enough for your torso to pass through, with your ankles slightly in front of your knees.
  2. Focus on maintaining proper posture throughout the exercise.
  3. Retract your shoulder blades to lock in the stretch on your inner thighs.
  4. This retraction also provides more room for movement and positions your lower back more effectively for strength gains.

The Progression

This exercise’s progression is critical for building both mobility and strength. It progresses from bodyweight workouts to dumbbells and, finally, a barbell. Each step builds on the preceding one, gradually increasing the difficulty.

Its Important to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The importance of mobility is the reason for stressing this exercise. Inner thigh muscles can develop tight over time in societies where individuals routinely squat deeply. If left untreated, this tension can cause lower back stiffness.

The Vulnerable Lower Back

Even if your lower back is strong, it can be vulnerable if it lacks mobility. This vulnerability can result in discomfort or injury. Therefore, it’s essential to strike a balance between strength and flexibility in the lower back.

Why the ATG Lower Back Foundation Matters

The ATG Lower Back Foundation system is an important part of achieving this equilibrium. To strengthen your lower back in the position where your torso is closest to your thighs. This concentrated effort might result in considerable increases in your total back strength.

Putting It into Context

It’s essential to remember that the ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s part of a broader fitness program that aims to build resilience and athleticism. This exercise, in combination with others, contributes to your overall physical well-being.

The Journey to Strengthen Your Lower Back

Developing a bulletproof body requires addressing multiple components of strength and mobility. We worked on strengthening the hip flexors earlier in the workout with the ATG Split Squat, which works the quads over a full range of motion.

The Impact of Combining Exercises

By combining exercises that target different areas and movement patterns, individuals like the creator of this program have experienced increased athleticism and resilience. These exercises address weaknesses and enhance strengths, leading to a more balanced and robust physique and strengthen your lower back.

The Evolution to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The ATG system did not appear out of nowhere. It arose from years of working with athletes and learning how to make them more resilient and athletic. The system began with 20 standards developed through collaboration with hundreds of athletes.

The Yard Work

During this period, the creator worked with minimal equipment available in their yard. They explored how to rebuild the body’s strength and mobility using simple tools like dumbbells and slant boards.

Back to Basics with Simple Equipment

As equipment became available, they progressed back to the ATG standards using basic equipment like a $110 bench from Amazon and a squat rack. Some tools, such as tib bars, didn’t even exist when the original standards program was created, making the process more challenging.

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back

The ATG Lower Back Foundation exercise is a great way to introduce variety to your workout programme. It improves mobility and strength by focusing on the lower back and inner thighs. It improves general athleticism and resilience when paired with other activities. Building a bulletproof body entails striking the appropriate balance between strength and mobility, and exercises like this one are critical in reaching that balance.