Stretch Strength

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Unlocking Flexibility with Stretch Strength Training

Stretch strength was crucial to my performance as a competitive ice skater. Stretching for hours each week became a habit for me to maintain my abilities. As I watch my husband perform front splits without any prior stretching, I wish I had known about the benefits of stretch strength training when I was skating.

Finding Harmony in Stretch and Strength

The key is to perform the front split without pain. Stretch strength training entails finding a comfortable level of stretch and strength. This strategy has significant long-term benefits. Furthermore, as a result of consistent training, my personal goal shifted from perfecting splits to simply enjoying basketball without knee pain.

ATG Split Squat and Good Morning Progression

The ATG split squat and good morning progression transformed squat mobility. However, ankle injuries are frequently used as a barrier. I understand the struggle because a serious off-ice ankle injury ended my figure skating career. Stretching and strengthening the hamstrings and inner thighs were critical in overcoming previous injury limitations.

The Quest for Pancake Flexibility

Stretch strength training affects pancake flexibility. Finally, the standing pancake demonstrates that weight training is not the only way to improve. The interaction of flexibility and strength is demonstrated by gradually increasing the groyne load from hands to elbows. Injury is reduced when a person is both strong and flexible.

Building a Foundation for Longevity

My top priority is longevity, especially as a mother trying to keep up with her children. Stretching to improve bridge flexibility was a revelation. I have learned that in a world where modern postures rule, it is critical to train in the opposite direction to balance the strain on our bodies.

Targeting Weak Links

As a mother of two toddlers, I am constantly bending, which strains my back. The centre of the back should be reinforced. These two exercises, which target common weak links, have become the foundation of my routine. Strengthening these areas is critical not only for avoiding pain, but also for ensuring that I can participate in my children’s activities for many years to come.

Stretch Strength Training in Action

The ATG system divides stretch strength training into three types. The foundation is a backward sled or treadmill. The resistance comes from the ground, which ensures safety while allowing for a rhythmic workout. When combined with stretch strength training, this foundation improves results.

Fixing Weak Links for Lasting Results

The third component will be to repair weak links, on which we will concentrate next week. Identifying and addressing weaknesses, such as muscles in the middle of the back, ensures a thorough approach to flexibility and strength. It is about finding balance, not just flexibility for the sake of flexibility.

A Grateful Acknowledgment

Before concluding, a heartfelt thank you is in order. My husband, Ben Patrick, has undergone an incredible transformation. The journey has been incredible, from icing his knees after every workout to now passionately sharing his knowledge with the world. His commitment to growth as a partner and a father makes me proud.

Gratitude and Support

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has assisted ATG. Your efforts to spread the word about stretch strength training are paying off. ATG’s mission is to promote holistic fitness, not just equipment or programmes. Let us continue to question conventional wisdom and put our bodies’ health first.