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Unlocking the Secrets: How to Alleviate Lower Back Pain: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

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How to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Brendan emphasises that stretching is not the only solution for how to alleviate lower back pain. He urges viewers to recognise that tightness in one area does not always imply that stretching is the answer. Brendan walks us through the stages of dysfunction, emphasising the last stage, pain. Tightness precedes pain, and even before that, there is weakness and dysfunction, which often go unnoticed.

Reassessing the Approach

Brendan challenges the conventional approach to low back pain, which typically entails seeking medical attention for pain relief and then attempting to stretch the tightness away. Instead, he advocates for a backwards approach in which strength is built first. This novel approach aims to lay a solid foundation, making stretching safer and more effective in the long run.

The Pyramid of Progression: Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Brendan introduces the Pyramid of Progression, which turns the traditional model on its head. Rather than focusing on pain relief first, he suggests starting with strengthening the pyramid’s weak points. This foundation is critical for progressing to stretching and, ultimately, achieving long-term strength and relief.

Building the Four-Way Hip Foundation

The Four-Way Hip concept is central to Brendan’s approach, which is a comprehensive strategy that targets the front, outer, posterior, and inner aspects of the hips. He breaks down the recommended exercises for each area, encouraging viewers to incorporate them into their routines. Brendan provides a step-by-step plan for strengthening and stretching the hips, including split squats and pigeon stretches.

Upper Body and Core Integration to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Brendan introduces upper body and core exercises to broaden the focus beyond the hips. Hanging exercises, such as hangs and pullovers, take centre stage for improved shoulder mobility. Brendan emphasises the importance of a well-balanced approach, stating that stretching and strength training are not mutually exclusive but rather part of a spectrum.

Harmony Between Stretching and Strength

Brendan’s video highlights the importance of stretching and strength training. He challenges the dichotomy between the two, claiming that stretching is essentially a form of low-grade strength training. This revelation encourages viewers to approach both activities with a balanced mindset, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between stretching and strength-building.

Crafting a Personal Routine

Brendan concludes the video by providing practical advice on incorporating the discussed concepts into a personalised routine. He emphasises the importance of discernment and self-awareness, urging viewers to proceed slowly. The emphasis is on playing the “long game” and avoiding excessive stretching, particularly for those with sensitive low backs.

How to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Finally, Brendan’s video offers a new and insightful perspective on dealing with low back pain. His expertise in combining stretching and strength training opens up new avenues for those seeking long-term relief. Allow Brendan’s wisdom to guide you on your journey to a healthier lower back, and may you find the strength and flexibility required for a pain-free life. Here’s to Brendan and his quest for a strong, healthy lower back!

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Spinal Flexion Unleashed: Your Key To Low Back Pain Liberation!

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Understanding Spinal Flexion: Debunking the Controversy

In this video, we’ll examine the subject of spinal flexion, which has generated debate and misunderstanding in the worlds of fitness and health. Brenden, a.k.a. Low Back Ability, intends to shed light on the significance of comprehending spinal flexion, his own experience with it, and the reasons why it’s essential for your general wellbeing. Let’s examine spinal flexion to better understand what it is, why it matters, and how to safely include it in your exercise regimen.

Defining Spinal Flexion

Although the term “spinal flexion” may be daunting, understanding its importance is crucial. Spinal flexion in the gym happens when the spine curves forward, stretching the front half of the core and extending the lower and midback. Examples of this that you may have witnessed include rounding your back while performing particular exercises like the Jefferson curl or weighted spinal flexion.

A Personal Journey

First, Brenden talks about his own experience with spinal flexion. He underlines that his goal is to provide clarification for individuals who, like him a few years ago, were lost and bewildered about the issue surrounding spinal flexion, not to tell you how to train or what to think. He started out on his adventure with a string of back ailments, which made him fear spinal flexion and steer clear of it at all costs. This anxiety was fueled by claims made on the internet and by experts that spinal flexion was risky and should never be practised.

The Historical Fear of Spinal Flexion

It is essential to look at the historical background of the dread associated with spinal flexion. Brenden compares the knee-over-toe controversy to show how research can be perceived incorrectly and cause fear. For instance, a 1978 research found that crossing the knee over the toe can put more strain on the knee joint. But the idea spread that this elevated pressure was inherently hazardous. Similar to this, studies show that deep spinal flexion may increase the shear force acting on the spine and discs. Yet, the misunderstanding is that any spinal flexion is bad.

Brenden clarifies that although there is evidence that excessive spinal flexion in cadaver spines can cause degeneration, living human bodies have an amazing capacity for adaptation.

The Need to Train Spinal Flexion

One of Brenden’s main themes is the importance of practising spinal flexion, particularly if you frequently suffer from back issues. Many people who experience persistent back pain acquire a natural tendency to minimise spinal flexion, which ultimately limits their range of motion and power. A long-term fix cannot be achieved by relying simply on bracing techniques and avoiding bending.

Breaking the Bracing Habit

Brenden debunks the fitness industry myth that you should never feel any stimulus in your back muscles during workouts like squats or deadlifts. This notion leads to an overemphasis on bracing and avoiding any back sensations. This method, however, ignores the reality that muscles, like any other muscular group in the body, require gradual overload training.

Rebuilding Through Spinal Flexion

To mend and restore a previously injured spine, spinal flexion must be reintroduced gradually and carefully. Patience and constancy are required in this procedure. Brenden recommends beginning with tension holds, an isometric exercise that involves flexing the spine for brief periods of time while progressively increasing the weight. This procedure brings back muscles closer to the spine, encouraging healing and adaptability.

The Road to Recovery

Back injuries can be a long and difficult road to recovery. Brenden emphasises the need for gradually rebuilding spinal flexion if you’ve been locked in a cycle of pain, reinjury, and avoidance. Because your body has most likely adapted to avoid this movement for years, this process may be perplexing and frustrating at first. You can, however, make substantial improvements and restore pain-free movement with patience, determination, and the appropriate instruction.

Embracing Hope

Brenden’s overarching theme is one of hope. He wants to help people understand their bodies better, make more educated decisions, and dispel myths about spinal flexion. You can break away from the cycle of injury and avoidance by doing so and move towards a healthier, pain-free future. Remember that age is not a determining factor in this journey to recovery and well-being; anyone can embark on it.

Low Back Pain

To summarise, the debate about spinal flexion is based on ignorance and disinformation. Brenden, also known as Low Back Ability, has offered his own journey and thoughts to assist others with navigating this challenging topic. Spinal flexion is not intrinsically dangerous; however, it is critical to train it gradually and slowly, especially if you have had back injuries. You may take control of your recovery path and look forward to a future of pain-free movement and well-being by overcoming your fears and misconceptions about spinal flexion.

How to Start Improving Bad Knees Right Now

How to Start Improving Bad Knees Right Now

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How to Start Improving Bad Knees, even without any fancy equipment. Here’s what you can do: Start with a 10-minute walk, but try walking backward instead. Or you can do 25 tibialis raises. These exercises work the muscles around your knees and make them stronger. When your muscles are stronger, it helps your knees heal and makes them less likely to get hurt.

I know these exercises work because they helped me achieve my dream of being able to dunk a basketball. Now, when I play basketball, I feel amazing because my knees don’t hurt anymore. I used to rely on surgeries, painkillers, and icing all the time just to get through the day. But now, I haven’t had any problems with my knees for ten years, all thanks to these simple exercises.

But it’s not just about doing the exercises. It’s also about doing them the right way. I learned this from watching an incredible athlete named Bryce Harper. He always tries to do every exercise perfectly. Seeing his dedication made me realize that to get the best results, you have to give your all in every workout.

So, I decided to follow Bryce Harper’s example. I won’t settle for doing exercises halfway. I’ll strive to do each one perfectly. I won’t try to lift heavier weights until I can do the exercises with my own body weight. I believe that this approach will make my training year a success, just like it did for Bryce.

It’s important to set goals for yourself. One goal is to be able to lift your heel while keeping good form. That might sound simple, but it’s an important step. Another goal is to be able to do 25 reps of the exercise with weights in each hand. I found that reaching this goal can really change your life. Even being able to do the exercise with just your body weight is a big accomplishment.

But be careful when you want to go beyond those goals. It’s important to think about what you want to achieve and talk to a coach if you want to do more. For me, in the next year, I’ll focus on doing each rep perfectly, rather than trying to lift heavier weights. I believe this will make my training year a big success.

While the exercises are important, I also want to talk about the tibialis raise. This exercise works a muscle called the tibialis that often gets ignored. Some people feel a burning sensation or heel pain when doing this exercise. I recommend wearing supportive shoes and easing the pressure by alternating sides. If you’re more advanced, you can try doing the exercise on one leg, but start with the basics and gradually work your way up.

I’m really grateful to Bob Guida, the person who came up with the tibialis raise. His clever idea, many years ago, changed the way athletes stay in shape. Even though this exercise isn’t as popular now, it made a big difference in my own fitness journey.

To help more people do these exercises, I’ve worked with equipment makers to create the Tip Bar. It’s a simple tool that works well. You can find the Tip Bar in stores now, and I even started my own equipment company to offer it at lower prices. I want to share my knowledge and make it affordable for everyone who wants to improve their knee health.

I want to say a big thank you to the ATG community for their support. Without them, I wouldn’t be here, making videos and sharing the ATG system. I appreciate their trust and support, and together, we’ve built a great community that helps and encourages each other. It’s not just about winning or losing—it’s about being part of the game of life.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to say thank you and express my gratitude. My journey

of overcoming knee issues has been life-changing, and it’s all thanks to these exercises. I encourage you to try them, give them your all, and see the difference they can make. And remember, while pursuing your own goals, don’t forget to show kindness and support to others. Together, we can achieve greatness and help one another along the way.

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