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Knee Flexibility Unleashed: See Your Knees Move Like Never Before!

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Improving Knee Flexibility and Range of Motion: The Power of Knee Flossing

In this video, we’ll look at the notion of knee flossing and how it’s changed the game for people trying to improve their knee flexibility and range of motion. We’ll follow the journey of someone who has had extraordinary improvements in their knee mobility as a result of constant adherence to a specific training programme. In addition, we’ll look at the technique of knee flossing, its advantages, and why it’s become such an important part of their regimen.

The Journey to Improved Knee Mobility

The film starts with the narrator reminiscing on their personal quest to improve knee mobility. They recall a period when they couldn’t do a full squat, highlighting the considerable improvement they’ve made in recent months. They now proudly display their abilities to perform a deep squat, even going so far as to “ask the grass.” This astonishing metamorphosis demonstrates the efficacy of the training regimen they’ve been pursuing.

Discovering the Power of Knee Flexibility

The individual emphasises the significance of knee flossing in their daily regimen. Knee flossing, they explain, is a therapy approach that creates space around the knee joint, similar to receiving a light massage. The narrator admits that they’ve been following an ATG (Athletic Truth Group) exercise regimen for about three years. They emphasise, however, that their commitment to knee flossing over the last seven to eight months has played a critical part in improving their knee mobility.

The Technique of Knee Flossing

The individual then proceeds to perform the method step by step to provide viewers with a practical grasp of knee flossing. They begin by employing floss bands that have been expressly created for this purpose. The bands are coiled up and placed beneath the kneecap to create tension. The narrator emphasises that the initial setup should be pleasant.

The bands are then wrapped over the bottom side of the knee, forming a supportive “hug” around the joint. They ensure proper tension and location by gently pulling and adjusting the bands. They do another wrap over the kneecap, taking care to keep tension throughout. This method takes some skill but is more effective than traditional floss bands.

The Benefits of Knee Flossing

The announcer emphasises the several advantages of knee flossing. They say that practising ten knee bends with floss bands at an appropriate tension level will considerably improve knee flexibility and range of motion. While knee flossing is important, they stress that it should be used in conjunction with a thorough training programme, such as the ATG method.

Addressing Structural Damage

The client openly admits that a doctor advised them that their knee would never fully flex again due to structural damage. They do, however, express thanks for discovering knee flossing, which has proven to be the most successful treatment they’ve tried. They emphasise that knee floss bands, which cost roughly $30 for a pair, outperformed more expensive therapies they had previously engaged in. This personal success story demonstrates how knee flossing may address structural problems while also greatly improving knee mobility.

To summarise, knee flossing is a helpful technique that can help improve knee flexibility and range of motion. The film depicts a personal transformation experience in which constant adherence to a fitness regimen, combined with knee flossing, resulted in significant gains.

Those who follow the suggested approach and incorporate knee flossing into their regimen may discover a strong tool for managing knee difficulties and working towards increased mobility.

The narrator’s narrative is an uplifting illustration of how dedication to one’s health and the pursuit of novel approaches may result in excellent outcomes. Knee flossing, as demonstrated in this video, can be a game changer for anyone looking to enhance their knee function and quality of life.

Strengthening Your Body from the Ground Up: Mobility Secrets

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Your Athletic Potential Might Be Way Greater Than You Think!

Are you ready to learn about some incredible workouts that will help you develop strength and flexibility from the ground up? Ben Patrick, also known as The Kneesovertoesguy, gives great insights for improving ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder mobility, as well as workouts to strengthen these areas, in this video. You may improve your overall physical health and performance in numerous activities by knowing and adopting these approaches. Let us delve into the mysteries of ability!

Building Ankle Mobility: The Foundation

It is critical to create a solid foundation before embarking on our adventure via ankle and calf mobility. The initial step is to strengthen the front side of the ankle. We build a strong foundation for the rest of our mobility workouts by focusing on this area. It’s similar to building a solid foundation on which to build. Going down and then back up is an easy way to strengthen the ankle front side. This step lays the groundwork for what’s to follow.

The Importance of Ankle Strength

When we progress from ankle strength to ankle mobility, we learn how important it is to have muscular tissue grown up around this location. Consider this tissue to be the foundation of your ankle’s flexibility and movement. When we focus on ankle mobility, we are essentially improving our ankles’ range of motion and flexibility, which is important for a variety of physical tasks. The concept here is gradual overload over time, which allows our ankle mobility to increase and evolve.

A Glimpse into the Knees and Hips

Now that we’ve constructed a solid ankle foundation, we may progress to the knees and hips. Consider your life journey: in your youth, you are remarkably flexible; as you age, you gain strength but lose flexibility. Combining strength and flexibility is the secret to longevity. We can keep a healthier body as we age by practising both parts. Our knees and hips are crucial in this, acting as important sites for mobility.

Unlocking Knee and Hips

The split squat is an effective workout that combines strength and flexibility. This exercise not only activates the knee and hip, but it also aids in the reconstruction of the knee’s entire range of motion while also stretching the hip flexors. These hip flexors tend to stiffen in today’s modern lifestyle due to prolonged sitting and other activities. We can offset this tension by doing workouts like the split squat, which improves overall mobility.

Perfecting the Squat Mobility Equation

The split squat is an essential component of the squat mobility equation. Yet there’s more to think about. The adductor muscles, which are positioned in the inner thighs, also help with squat movement. These muscles stiffen with time in societies where deep squatting is less common. To obtain well-rounded squat mobility, it is critical to target and loosen up these adductor tissues.

Balancing Flexibility and Mobility

It is critical to maintain appropriate form during workouts such as the split squat. Although attempting to prevent circling the back, it is also critical not to become immobile as the rear rounds. A slant board is an efficient way to relieve stiffness behind the knee. This technique allows for controlled movement while bending the quads and going through the entire range of motion. This balance of flexibility and strength keeps our backs and knees strong.

Safe Practices for Optimal Results

Our mobility journey should always prioritise safety. The wall-assisted stretch is one example. It is preferable to practise this stretch in a controlled manner rather than risking discomfort or harm. It is critical to ensure that you can clench your glutes and flex into the wall before moving on. Also, choosing a natural resting position, akin to sitting, aids in comfort and stability during these activities.

Completing the Ability Puzzle

Our ability journey would be incomplete until we addressed the role of the upper body, specifically the shoulders. Upper posture and external rotators are frequently tight and weak areas. To combat this, progressive loading across the entire range of motion is useful. Exercises such as the external rotator and the pullover can help with this. These workouts create mobile and powerful shoulders, which are necessary for weightlifting and sports like basketball.

Deepening the External Rotator Exercise

The external rotator exercise, which involves controlled dumbbell movement, is a great tool for improving shoulder mobility. We stabilise the shoulders and avoid injuries by focusing on movement control and strengthening the external rotators. This exercise can be performed at multiple levels of difficulty, making it suitable for people of varying fitness levels.

The Path to Pain-Free Movement

Adding mobility exercises into your routine might help you move without pain. Aiming for pain-free movement execution, especially when adding weight, is an important goal in sports like as CrossFit. This can improve your performance and reduce the detrimental impact of large weights on your shoulders.

Discover the ATG Mobility Class

Ben Patrick’s ATG Mobility Class is a step-by-step guide to improving mobility. Whether you use his online programme or go to a live class, you’ll find a variety of tools to help you improve your mobility, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. These approaches can be used by anybody who wants to improve their health, not only athletes.

Furthermore, Ben Patrick’s views provide a comprehensive method to building and improving ability from the ground up. You can build a strong foundation for physical health by focusing on ankle strength, ankle mobility, knee and hip flexibility, and shoulder ability. Remember that the path to better ability is a slow one that involves discipline, appropriate form, and patience. Whether you’re an athlete or simply want to live a healthier lifestyle, following these mobility secrets will surely improve your overall well-being.

Unlocking Mobility: The Ultimate Guide To Reversing The Damage Of Sitting, Strengthening Your Body, And Thriving Again!

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Unlocking Mobility: Strengthening and Reversing the Effects of Sitting

Ben Patrick, also known as The Kneesovertoesguy, takes us on a quest to counteract the negative effects of prolonged sitting in this informative film. He exposes us to a variety of exercises aimed to strengthen and improve flexibility in various body regions, proving that we may improve our physical well-being even without fancy equipment. Let’s dive into this game-changing method to unlocking mobility.

Combating Excess Sitting with Simple Tools

Sitting for long periods of time can cause stiffness and decreased mobility. Ben Patrick gives us with simple ways to combat this. He suggests utilising stairs or a chair to lengthen the hip flexors, a wall or a bench to open up the middle spine, and back extensions to strengthen the middle spine muscles. By addressing these issues, we establish the framework for increased mobility.

The Power of the Split Squat

The split squat is one exercise that takes centre stage. Ben expands on its significance in countering the effects of excessive sitting. He walks us through the proper form and intent of this practise. We develop the muscles while challenging our balance by squeezing the glutes and using their strength to move ourselves. The split squat has proven to be a powerful cure for counteracting the detrimental consequences of extended sitting over time.

Mastering the Split Squat: Finding Your Range

Ben emphasises that the split squat may be tailored to our specific skills. Just keeping the bottom position with the purpose of lengthening can be good for beginners. We can advance to deeper squats and perhaps remove the balance support if our mobility improves. The key is consistency and advancement, which allows our bodies to adapt and regain lost mobility as a result of prolonged sitting.

A Journey to Mama’s House: Real-World Application

We get a peek into Ben’s mother’s life, where she includes split squats into her workout routine. She spends a lot of time sitting at her job as a customer service representative. She was experiencing difficulty and soreness until she started doing split squats. Her experience demonstrates the positive influence that focused mobility exercises may have on daily life.

Strengthening the Lower Back and Trap Three

Ben discusses a critical part of dealing with sitting-related issues: strengthening the lower back. He performs an exercise that targets the “Trap Three” muscle, which is positioned above the lower back. We increase the support around the lower back by practising controlled movements and focusing on contracting the muscle. This exercise, when combined with other approaches, helps to improve general mobility.

Tailoring Exercises for Your Needs

Ben emphasises the significance of adapting exercises to your skill level. It’s not about pushing through discomfort, but about finding the right amount of difficulty for you. The idea is to stimulate muscles without putting them under tension. We can attain pain-free mobility improvements over time by beginning with a comfortable level and gradually increasing effort.

Couch Stretch for Hip Flexors

The couch stretch is given as a useful method for unlocking mobility and lengthening hip flexors. Ben discusses the significance of this stretch and walks us through how to do it correctly. The sofa stretch focuses on muscles that are usually tense as a result of prolonged sitting. We can progressively decrease stiffness and enhance hip mobility by including this stretch into our regimen.

Embracing Pain Signals and Continuous Progress

It is vital to pay attention to pain signals during this mobility trip. Ben emphasises how feedback from our bodies helps us identify areas that require attention. We can achieve small improvements without harming ourselves if we respond to these signs and progress cautiously.

Embracing Mobility at HQ

We are welcomed into Ben’s headquarters, which is home to a thriving community of ATG members and instructors. This community values mobility and strength training. Ben emphasises the significance of not only individual improvement but also collective dedication to physical well-being.

Choosing the Right Equipment: Unlocking Mobility

Ben discusses the equipment aspect of mobility augmentation. He contrasts two types of back extension equipment: one made in the United States and one that is less expensive. He underlines the necessity of selecting equipment that reflects your principles, whether that is supporting American-made items or saving money.

Empowering Yourself: The Beauty of Self-Care

The film ends with a striking message: you have the ability to care for yourself. You may build a strong foundation of flexibility and strength with focused mobility exercises and progressive improvement. As you gain proficiency with various tools, you will get insight into what is most important to you. The journey to increased mobility demonstrates your dedication to self-care and well-being.

Unlocking Mobility

Ben Patrick’s film offers an all-inclusive guide on unlocking mobility and reversing the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting. You can regain lost mobility and embrace a more active and pain-free lifestyle by focusing on strengthening and flexibility exercises. Remember that constant effort, listening to your body’s cues, and modifying exercises to your level are the keys. Whether you’re a novice or looking to improve your physical talents, the information in this video can help you live a healthier and more mobile life.

Strengthening Your Body from the Ground Up: Mobility Secrets by The Kneesovertoesguy

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Strengthening Your Body from the Ground Up: Mobility Secrets by The Kneesovertoesguy

Are you ready to learn about some incredible workouts that will help you develop strength and flexibility from the ground up? Ben Patrick, also known as The Kneesovertoesguy, gives great insights for improving ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder mobility, as well as workouts to strengthen these areas, in this video. You may improve your overall physical health and performance in numerous activities by knowing and adopting these approaches. Let us delve into the mysteries of mobility!

Building Ankle Strength: The Foundation

It is critical to create a solid foundation before embarking on our adventure via ankle and calf mobility. The initial step is to strengthen the front side of the ankle. We build a strong foundation for the rest of our mobility workouts by focusing on this area. It’s similar to building a solid foundation on which to build. Going down and then back up is an easy way to strengthen the ankle’s front side. This step lays the groundwork for what’s to follow.

The Importance of Ankle Ability

When we progress from ankle strength to ankle mobility, we learn how important it is to have muscular tissue grow up around this location. Consider this tissue to be the foundation of your ankle’s flexibility and movement. When we focus on ankle mobility, we are essentially improving our ankles’ range of motion and flexibility, which are important for a variety of physical tasks. The concept here is gradual overload over time, which allows our ankle mobility to increase and evolve.

A Glimpse into the Knees and Hips

Now that we’ve constructed a solid ankle foundation, we may progress to the knees and hips. Consider your life journey: in your youth, you are remarkably flexible; as you age, you gain strength but lose flexibility. Combining strength and flexibility is the secret to longevity. We can keep a healthier body as we age by practicing both parts. Our knees and hips are crucial in this, acting as important sites for mobility.

Unlocking Knee and Hip Mobility

The split squat is an effective workout that combines strength and flexibility. This exercise not only activates the knee and hip, but it also aids in the reconstruction of the knee’s entire range of motion while also stretching the hip flexors. These hip flexors tend to stiffen in today’s modern lifestyle due to prolonged sitting and other activities. We can offset this tension by doing workouts like the split squat, which improves overall mobility.

Perfecting the Squat Mobility Equation

The split squat is an essential component of the squat mobility equation. Yet there’s more to think about. The adductor muscles, which are positioned in the inner thighs, also help with squat movement. These muscles stiffen with time in societies where deep squatting is less common. To obtain well-rounded squat mobility, it is critical to target and loosen up these adductor tissues.

Balancing Flexibility and Strength

It is critical to maintain appropriate form during workouts such as the split squat. Although attempting to prevent circling the back, it is also critical not to become immobile as the rear rounds. A slant board is an efficient way to relieve stiffness behind the knee. This technique allows for controlled movement while bending the quads and going through the entire range of motion. This balance of flexibility and strength keeps our backs and knees strong.

Safe Practices for Optimal Results

Our mobility journey should always prioritize safety. The wall-assisted stretch is one example. It is preferable to practise this stretch in a controlled manner rather than risking discomfort or harm. It is critical to ensure that you can clench your glutes and flex into the wall before moving on. Also, choosing a natural resting position, akin to sitting, aids in comfort and stability during these activities.

Completing the Movement Puzzle

Our mobility journey would be incomplete until we addressed the role of the upper body, specifically the shoulders. Upper posture and external rotators are frequently tight and weak areas. To combat this, progressive loading across the entire range of motion is useful. Exercises such as the external rotator and the pullover can help with this. These workouts create mobile and powerful shoulders, which are necessary for weightlifting and sports like basketball.

Deepening the External Rotator Exercise

The external rotator exercise, which involves controlled dumbbell movement, is a great tool for improving shoulder mobility. We stabilise the shoulders and avoid injuries by focusing on movement control and strengthening the external rotators. This exercise can be performed at multiple levels of difficulty, making it suitable for people of varying fitness levels.

The Path to Pain-Free Movement

Adding mobility exercises to your routine might help you move without pain. Aiming for pain-free movement execution, especially when adding weight, is an important goal in sports like CrossFit. This can improve your performance and reduce the detrimental impact of large weights on your shoulders.

Discover the ATG Mobility Class

Ben Patrick’s ATG Mobility Class provides a thorough guide to enhancing ability. Whether you use his online program or go to a live class, you’ll find a variety of tools to help you improve your mobility, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. These approaches can be used by anybody who wants to improve their health, not only athletes.

In conclusion, Ben Patrick’s insights offer a holistic approach to strengthening and enhancing mobility from the ground up. By focusing on ankle strength, ankle ability, knee and hip flexibility, and shoulder ability, you can create a well-rounded foundation for physical health. Remember, the journey to improved mobility is a gradual process that requires discipline, proper form, and patience. Whether you’re an athlete or simply seeking a healthier lifestyle, incorporating these mobility secrets can undoubtedly make a positive impact on your overall well-being.

How to Floss Your Ankles & Knees

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How to Floss Bands Can Help with Ankle Sprains and Athletic Performance

In this video, we delve into the world of How to Floss using bands and their incredible benefits for ankle sprains and overall athletic performance. Whether you’re a basketball player, a fitness enthusiast, or just someone looking to improve their ankle health, floss bands might be the game-changer you’ve been seeking. We’ll explore the experiences of individuals who have harnessed the power of these simple yet effective tools to recover from ankle injuries, improve muscle imbalances, and enhance their athletic abilities.

The Power of Floss Bands

Floss bands, an affordable investment at around $30, have proven to be a boon for those dealing with ankle sprains and various muscular imbalances. These bands offer a unique approach to aiding recovery and promoting strength development. By applying pressure and resistance, floss bands can help reduce pain while also enhancing strength, enabling individuals to bounce back stronger after an injury.

Personal Testimonies of Success

The Kneesovertoesguy, a knowledgeable coach and athlete, shares his own story of defying doctor’s expectations after a knee injury. He believes that floss bands, in combination with a comprehensive knee rehabilitation program, have significantly contributed to his recovery. While acknowledging that flossing isn’t the primary solution for all, he found these bands to be exceptionally beneficial for ankle sprains and shared his insights on how they can aid recovery.

Ankle Sprain Protocol

The Kneesovertoesguy details a comprehensive three-stage ankle sprain protocol that involves utilizing floss bands. Ankle sprains, often resulting from improper footwear and landing techniques, can be effectively managed through the right exercises and tools. The protocol includes exercises that help reduce pain, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles around the injured ankle. The process is carefully structured to promote healing and restore functionality, ensuring athletes can return to their activities safely and with greater resilience.

Understanding Ankle Injuries and Prevention

The size of a shoe’s heel can significantly impact the risk of ankle injuries. The Kneesovertoesguy emphasizes that basketball shoes with high heels, often chosen for style, increase the risk of ankle injuries fourfold. Therefore, opting for shoes with lower heels, such as those designed by Kobe Bryant, can mitigate this risk and contribute to overall ankle health. By making informed footwear choices, athletes can prevent unnecessary injuries and maintain their performance levels.

Effective Floss Band Exercises for Ankle Recovery

The Kneesovertoesguy demonstrates several floss band exercises to aid ankle recovery. The initial stage involves wrapping the band around the injured ankle to reduce pain and improve blood flow. This not only enhances healing but also sets the foundation for further exercises. The protocol gradually progresses to more advanced exercises that target different aspects of ankle strength and flexibility. The use of floss bands allows athletes to tailor their workouts to their recovery needs, ensuring a gradual and effective healing process.

Individual Experiences and How to Floss

In a candid discussion, athletes share their experiences with floss bands and their journeys toward better ankle health. They emphasize the importance of balancing exercises and being mindful of pain levels. These athletes have harnessed the benefits of floss bands to address muscle imbalances caused by specific athletic activities. By incorporating floss bands into their routines, they’ve not only accelerated their recovery but also achieved greater overall strength and stability.

Tailoring How to Floss Band Use

Different individuals have different ways of utilizing floss bands to suit their needs. Athletes use floss bands for ankle and knee recovery, adapting exercises to match their fitness levels. Understanding the various pressure points and adjustments required for maximum effectiveness is crucial. Individuals like The Kneesovertoesguy’s mother have found success by incorporating floss bands into their daily routines, utilizing them for targeted exercises such as strengthening the muscles between the shoulder blades.

Elevating Ankle Health and Athletic Performance

Floss bands offer a unique and affordable solution for ankle sprains and muscular imbalances. Their ability to reduce pain, enhance blood flow, and promote healing has led many athletes and fitness enthusiasts to incorporate them into their recovery and training routines. By following a structured ankle sprain protocol and tailoring exercises to individual needs, individuals can regain strength, stability, and confidence in their physical abilities. Whether you’re striving to recover from an injury or aiming to enhance your athletic performance, floss bands might just be the missing piece in your fitness journey.

Most Important Progression for Low Back Pain

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Rebuilding Your Back: The Road to Healing and Strength From Low Back Pain

Brendan Backstrom, better known as LowBackAbility, tells his personal path of overcoming chronic low back pain and how he found hope and healing through progressive and direct routes in this amazing video. He emphasises the significance of confronting our worries and accepting the task of regaining our back power. Brendan’s Back Breakthrough Blueprint online coaching programme aims to provide guidance and assistance to anyone suffering from back pain.

The Power of Progressive Routes:

Brendan highlights that people suffering from chronic low back pain have hope. He encourages viewers to accept progressive and direct healing paths rather than depending on quick-fix drills. He was able to make substantial progress in his recuperation by approaching back training with humility and honesty.

Understanding the Back Extension Exercise:

The back extension exercise is a crucial activity in back reconstruction. Brendan emphasises the importance of not ignoring the back and developing power throughout the entire spine. Several muscles, such as the interspinalis, play important roles in back support and must be recruited through full flexion and extension.

The Three-Step Approach to Rebuilding the Back:

Brendan breaks down the three steps to regaining direct low back ability through the back extension exercise:

  1. Isometric Hold: Start with a two-legged isometric hold for two minutes. Gradually increase the tension and trust in motion through this step.
  2. Single-Leg Isometric Hold: Progress to a single-leg isometric hold for one minute on each side. This exercise targets different areas of the back, enhancing stability and flexibility.
  3. Full Range Reps: Gradually work on regaining full range reps with both legs, aiming for 30 reps. Eventually, transition to single-leg reps and continue to balance strength on both sides.

The Importance of Patience and Gradual Progression:

Brendan emphasises that repairing the back is a lengthy process. It takes time and patience at each stage to allow the body to adapt and find evidence to trust movement again. Rushing the process may result in setbacks, whereas consistent development promotes long-term healing.

Embracing Uncertainty and Learning from Outliers:

Facing uncertainty is crucial in the healing journey. Brendan encourages viewers to look beyond what seems impossible and find inspiration from outliers who have successfully overcome back pain through progressive training. By embracing uncertainty, one can discover new possibilities and push their boundaries.

The Low Back Pain Breakthrough Blueprint:

For those seeking additional guidance, Brendan offers the Back Breakthrough Blueprint, an online coaching program that includes live coaching calls and training sessions. The program covers various aspects of back healing, including hip mobility, upper back ability, and non-movement solutions.

Heal from Low Back Pain:

Brendan Backstrom’s video is a ray of hope for anyone suffering from severe back pain. He demonstrates that regaining back strength is achievable for people of all ages by taking progressive and straightforward steps. His message focuses on conquering our fears, embracing uncertainty, and never giving up on our bodies. Brendan’s caring and approachable approach offers encouragement and motivation to all those seeking relief and healing for their backs, whether following the three-step programme or seeking direction through the Back Breakthrough Blueprint.

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Progressing Your Nordic Curl: Build Strength and Durability for Better Performance

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Nordic hamstring curls are fantastic exercises for increasing the size, strength, and durability of your hamstrings. Elite athletes like Tyreek Hill and George St. Pierre use them to enhance their athletic performance. In this video, Nsima Inyang, along with Josh Settlage and Jimmy House, demonstrates step-by-step progressions to help you achieve your first Nordic curl and beyond.

The Benefits of Nordic Hamstring Curls

Nordic curls are essential for athletes because they strengthen the hamstrings in the lengthened position, which is often overlooked in traditional gym exercises. By building strength in this position, you can reduce the risk of hamstring injuries during explosive movements like sprinting or jumping. Moreover, Nordic curls help develop stability and strength in the knees, which is crucial for injury prevention, especially in sports like Jiu Jitsu.

Equipment and Assisted Nordic Curls

Using the right equipment is vital for proper Nordic curl progression. A high-quality machine like the Nord X from Shogun Sports provides excellent support. If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, you can use a lifting belt and attach it to a bench. Another option is the Nord stick, a Nordic curl attachment for your door frame.

The Assisted Nordic curl with a band allows you to maintain constant tension throughout the movement, focusing on the bottom range where the most benefit lies. Avoid using your hands to push up, as it can limit the advantages of the exercise.

Progression: Razor Curls and Half Nordic Curls

To regress the Nordic curl, you can try Razor Curls, where you perform a partial range of motion. This approach helps develop strength while lowering the risk of injury. Another option is the Half Nordic curl, which involves performing the exercise on an elevated surface to establish a safe stopping point.

Eccentric Strength

Eccentric loading during Nordic curls is crucial for developing hamstring strength and the ability to absorb force effectively. Lower yourself down with control and pull back up using your hamstrings, avoiding crashing down at the bottom.

Full Nordic Curl

Achieving a Full Nordic curl indicates elite hamstring strength. This variation involves going all the way down and back up without assistance. It significantly challenges your hamstrings and helps build insane strength.

Overhead Nordic Curl

For those seeking a greater challenge, the Overhead Nordic curl, where you raise your hands above your head, lengthening the lever, and increasing hamstring strain, is an advanced progression.

Levitating Nordic Curl

The Levitating Nordic curl involves maintaining tension at the bottom of the movement without resting. This strengthens the hamstrings’ yielding isometric strength, important for injury prevention.

Adding Weight

Progressing with added weight can be done gradually, starting with plate-loaded eccentrics and then incorporating concentric movements. The Levitating Nordic curl with weight is a challenging goal for those seeking to take their hamstring strength to the next level.

By following these step-by-step progressions, you can build elite hamstring strength and durability through Nordic hamstring curls. Implement these exercises into your training routine and experience improved athletic performance and injury prevention. Remember to focus on maintaining control and tension throughout the movements to maximize the benefits of each variation. Enjoy your journey to becoming a stronger and more resilient athlete!

MOVE your SPINE to INCREASE Strength and Longevity

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Unlocking Spinal Resilience: Exploring Different Ranges of Motion

In this video, Nsima Inyang teams up with renowned strength coach Vernon Griffith to discuss the importance to MOVE your SPINE to INCREASE Strength and Longevity. They challenge the common notion of always maintaining a neutral spine and demonstrate how limited movement can make the spine less resilient and more prone to injury. By incorporating various movements, individuals can develop spinal strength and flexibility, leading to a pain-free and injury-resistant lifestyle.

Adding Layers to Existing Exercises:

Nsima emphasizes that exploring different ranges of motion doesn’t necessarily mean adding new exercises. Instead, it’s about creating layers of movement within existing exercises. For example, during single-arm rows, instead of focusing solely on a rigid, locked-down scapula and neutral spine, individuals can stagger their stance and allow the scapula to protract and reach during the movement. This not only enhances hypertrophy and strength but also improves functional movement quality.

Integrating Movement and Breathing:

When introducing clients to new movements, ensuring proper breathing patterns is crucial. Vernon suggests focusing on what feels natural for each individual. Breathing calmly and through the nose can help control movements effectively. For instance, when doing rotational movements, the breath can naturally align with the movement, leading to a smoother, more connected experience.

Using Bodyweight Exercises for Natural Movement:

Nsima and Vernon highlight the benefits of using bodyweight exercises for exploring different spinal movements. Bodyweight exercises seem to promote natural and comfortable movement patterns, allowing individuals to explore positions they might not typically encounter. For example, a hanging exercise involves rotation and shoulder movement, encouraging full-body awareness and enhancing spine flexibility.

T-Spine Rotation with Wall Guidance:

To help clients explore t-spine (thoracic spine) rotation, Nsima demonstrates a helpful exercise using the wall as a guide. By reaching and rotating while maintaining contact with the wall, individuals can safely explore their range of motion. This approach promotes confidence in the movement and allows for progressive exploration of different positions.

Safe Exploration and Touchpoints:

Both coaches stress the importance of safe exploration when trying new movements. Nsima compares it to touching a hot stove, where individuals should venture to the edge of what feels comfortable and then back out. This process allows the brain to adjust to new positions gradually. By continuously touching and retreating, individuals can expand their movement boundaries and develop greater flexibility.

Intent vs. Force in Movement:

The coaches discuss the difference between intent and force when approaching mobility. Intentful movements are smooth and purposeful, similar to writing in beautiful cursive. In contrast, forced movements can be abrupt and less controlled, potentially leading to injury. They encourage viewers to focus on intentful, smooth movements to enhance spinal mobility safely.

In this informative video, Nsima Inyang and Vernon Griffith shed light on the importance of exploring different ranges of motion for the spine. They challenge the idea of always maintaining a neutral spine and demonstrate various exercises to improve spinal resilience. By incorporating movements that involve rotation, flexion, and extension, individuals can develop a strong and flexible spine, reducing the risk of injury and enjoying a more functional lifestyle. Through safe exploration, mindful breathing, and smooth, intentful movements, anyone can unlock their spinal potential and experience the benefits of a more mobile and resilient spine.

MOVE your SPINE to INCREASE Strength and Longevity

MOVE your SPINE to INCREASE Strength and Longevity

Love Your Back Again

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The Back Breakthrough Blueprint: A 4-Step Approach to Heal Your Back Pain

A four-step process is provided by the Back Breakthrough Blueprint to relieve back pain and increase mobility. It emphasises direct low back ability, hip mobility, upper back strength, and non-movement solutions. Individuals can progressively alleviate and improve their back discomfort by following these techniques.

Step One: Non-Movement Solutions

It’s crucial to take non-movement solutions into account before beginning any training. Simple practises like getting adequate sunshine, having a good night’s sleep, and using positive reinforcement are part of this holistic approach. Finding a move or activity that one can accomplish comfortably is essential. During this phase, it’s crucial to refrain from doing anything painful.

Step Two: Addressing Hip Mobility

Back health is significantly influenced by hip mobility. To target the hip flexors, perform a split squat on level ground with the back knee raised, chest up, complete hamstring coverage, and knees over toes. This has a direct bearing on pelvic tilt, which is a major contributor to low back pain. Exercises that aim and enhance hip mobility include the Tibialis Raise and KOT Calf Raise.

Step Three: Upper Back Strength

For the back to heal, the upper back must be strengthened. Exercises that stretch the spine and activate the low trap muscles include the pullover and low trap rise. People can regain back ability and posture by combining flexion and extension.

Step Four: Direct Low Back Ability

At this stage, spinal flexion is gradually restored. Enhancing low back strength by beginning with back extensions and progressively raising the intensity is beneficial. Finding their pain-free range is suggested before moving on to more difficult exercises like single-leg hip flexor lifts.

The ATG Split Squat:

An essential exercise for developing a deep squat range of motion is the ATG Split Squat. It focuses on ankle and hip mobility, helping people to progressively improve their flexibility and strength.

Seated Good Morning with Knees in Front:

Flexibility in the glutes and hips is the main goal of the seated good morning with knees in front exercise. It aids people in stretching their hamstrings and opening up their hips, both of which are necessary for doing an ass to grass squat without rounding the back.

Progressing Towards a Deep Squat:

People may constantly improve their ankle, hip, and glute flexibility, which are necessary for executing a deep squat, by regularly performing the ATG Split Squat and Sitting Good Morning. The training method requires good skill and patience.

The Back Breakthrough Blueprint provides a thorough and useful four-step method to relieve back pain and enhance mobility. People may progressively relieve discomfort and get their backs working again by addressing non-movement solutions, hip mobility, upper back strength, and direct low back capacity. This way of thinking has been shown to be helpful in easing back discomfort, encouraging steady advancement, and enhancing general wellbeing. Choosing to take this method slowly and steadily can result in a better, pain-free existence.

How to squat pain free right now

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Achieving an Ass to Grass Squat: The Role of ATG Split Squat and Seated Good Morning

How to squat: People often wonder if everyone can achieve an “ass to grass” squat, where the hamstrings completely cover the calves without the heels lifting and the back rounding. While genetics play a role, there are two specific exercises that can help develop the ability to perform this movement flawlessly. These exercises are the ATG split squat and the seated good morning. By focusing on these two exercises, individuals can improve their squat depth and achieve the coveted ass to grass position without rounding the back.

The ATG Split Squat

The ATG (Ass to Grass) split squat is a foundational exercise that helps develop the flexibility and strength needed for a deep squat. Although this is a long-term progression, it is a highly effective way to load the front ankle, putting more emphasis on the front leg during the movement. By performing this exercise correctly, individuals can work on improving their ankle and hip mobility, which are essential for achieving a full squat range of motion.

Seated Good Morning with Knees in Front

Another valuable exercise that contributes to the ass to grass squat is the seated good morning with knees in front. During this movement, the focus is on maintaining a proper arch in the back while leaning forward, engaging the glutes and stretching the hamstrings. By doing so, individuals can open up their hip and ankle mobility, which is crucial for squatting to full depth without compromising form.

Progressing Towards a Deep Squat

The key to achieving an ass to grass squat is a gradual progression through the ATG split squat and the seated good morning exercises. Consistent practice and proper form are essential for improvement. When individuals work on their ATG split squat and seated good morning, they are indirectly targeting the muscles and mobility required for a deep squat. Over time, the muscles and joints adapt, allowing for increased depth in the squat.

The Role of Ankle Mobility

Ankle mobility is a critical factor in performing an ass to grass squat. If ankle flexibility is limited, it can prevent the heels from staying grounded during the movement, leading to incomplete depth. The ATG split squat specifically targets ankle mobility, helping to enhance the range of motion needed for a deep squat.

The Importance of Glute and Hip Flexibility

The glutes and hips play a significant role in maintaining proper squat form. If these muscles are tight, individuals may struggle to reach full depth in the squat, leading to rounding of the back. The seated good morning exercise focuses on stretching and activating the glutes while opening up the hips, which is beneficial for achieving a deep squat.

Avoiding Rounding of the Back

Rounding of the back during a squat is often a result of inadequate mobility and flexibility in the ankles, hips, and glutes. By incorporating the ATG split squat and seated good morning into a regular training routine, individuals can work on these areas and reduce the risk of rounding during the squat. As the muscles and joints become more flexible and mobile, the likelihood of maintaining proper squat form increases.

How to Squat

Achieving an ass to grass squat is possible for most individuals with consistent practice and focus on the right exercises. The ATG split squat and seated good morning are two valuable movements that target ankle, hip, and glute flexibility and strength. By progressively working on these exercises, individuals can improve their squat depth and achieve a full range of motion without compromising form. Remember to prioritize proper technique and listen to your body during the training process. With dedication and patience, you can develop the mobility needed to perform an impressive ass to grass squat.